June 29, 2008

I do not know what to make of this feeling of uncertainty that has shrouded me since this morning.

The last time, I was undecided. Now again.

Haha, I should have known.

What an exhilarating night I had! I had my virginity taken away BUT before any of you perverted beings out there get the wrong idea - I am NOT talking about sex here. Rather, I am referring to my first ride as a pavillion on my friend's bike. A REAL motorbike that can go really fast, not some slow moving Vespa scooter. I am addicted to SPEED! No, not the drug you idiots, I am talking about the division of distance by time here.

I was somewhat apprehensive initially, having to grab on to the back handle on the bike in a rather un-glam manner. After some tips from my friends (sitting also got techniques; chinese got one pattern, malay got one pattern, indians got another pattern. A melting pot?), I managed to sit in the correct and cool way, that is by placing my hands on my thigh and sitting normally. This not only improved my posture but also saved the face of my rider as people won't think that he is ferrying some noob shit, which he really is though.

Tonight came as quite a surprise too because somehow, we were able to chill for 3 hours. From 12pm to 3am. The pre-conceived notion of tonight's outing being dull and boring by one of my friends was dispelled when I turned out to be more chattable and approachable than he had thought.

All in all I had a great time. Haven't felt so relaxed and, might I have the audacity, GAY(-adjective= happy), in such a long time.

June 24, 2008

My nephew was just born recently. I can't remember when but it should be somewhere around last week. I am so mesmerised by this tiny little existence! So cute and cudly! Awwww... Dunno how to describe. Just look at the photos!

His hands against mine. Isn't human life a mirable? Something so small can grow into something so big! Machiam planting seeds like that LOL.

June 14, 2008

June 01, 2008

I went to help my cousin prepare her speech for her upcoming test this Thursday. The topic is "How you felt on the day of your graduation from secondary school". She is supposed to come up with a script that is at least 4 minutes long but not more than 5. In order to meet the criteria, we threw in quite a fair bit of bullshits here and there. Ahaha. Hey! Don't look at me like that. Bullshit gets you everywhere in life IF used appropriately!

Anyway, her topic is a relatively easy one. We just need to recall what exactly happened on her graduation day and put it all in chronological order. Then she just need to blurt everything out and tell her audience about it. I can't imagine having to talk about "Who was your first date and how did it end up?" or "Talk about one pleasant/unpleasant experience which left an indelible mark in your life." The former might be to awkward to talk about in front of 20 people, most of whom are classmates which will be spending the rest of the semester with you. The latter is way too difficult to come up with probable and believeable bullshit - if you know what I mean (c",)

So, at the end of the day, after intensive brainstorming, our script, or rather, HER script was created. The introduction and conclusion part were exceptionally well-crafted thanks to you-know-who. Please, add in the special "Thank You" section for greater effects!

Come to think of it now, the questions given to her sounds much more like essay questions to me. As a matter of fact, there were several times where we add in too much details into the speech that it almost sounds like we are dictating an essay instead of crafting a speech. The thought of having to present these questions through speech never once did cross my mind. Hmmm, the disparity in the things we learn in JC and Poly.

While thinking of the speech, I got bored and looked around the room. Then I saw this cute little thing which I can't resist but snap a shot of it with my phone!

And after that, I went to M Sq. and saw an ever cuter thing which I definitely have to take a photo of! I almost went on stage to take a photo with it!!!