September 30, 2008


I was totally appalled when I saw this footage. I thought I had seen the worst already since I am staying in the Central region. Apparently, things are worst on the far side of the island... But at least there is a cool and steady auntie around.

How on Earth did we managed to clinch the "Best Passeneger Experience Award" for our MRT in Denmark?

Thats the same as how on Earth did we get the SQA?


September 29, 2008

This looks kind of scary.

Freedom at hand!

Mamma Mia! Here I go again!

This is definitely one of the happiest film I had watched so far - I was practically smiling throughout the whole show! The musicals are not too lame and it is actually enjoyable seeing the actors dance and sing and simply enjoying themselves. Furthermore, the soundtracks from the past (think Abba) were a pleasure to the ears. There were also several scenes that were hilariously funny. [Dear, quick, bring the DONKEY TESTICLES!]

This is definitely a far cry from 12 Lotus, which is a rather sad (boring) show. But, as with all musicals, not all will find this film enjoyable. (I can feel some extremists cursing me for watching this film already) But if you are feeling a little retro and a little groovy, hesistate no more and go catch this movie.

Tomorrow is Monday but I need not go to work. It feels good. Damn good. Bloody good.

Screw work!

September 22, 2008

Remedy for sleeplessness:

2x Packets of Maggi Mee
2x Eggs

Cook and eat the noodles.
Then lie on bed and let your body digest the food. In the process, you will be lulled into La-
La Land.


September 21, 2008

Another one of those sleepless nights for me. Something is wrong with my brain, I am thinking too much.

September 20, 2008

I recalled the time when I wanted to buy a Nissan Skyline GTR-34 model to decorate my office desk to "challenge" my boss, who has a Subaru STI WRX model on his desk. That was so long ago.

How time flies.
I saw a Jude in my room yesterday night! And it crawled across my mattress! The very mattress which I sleep on every night! What the fish!

Fortunately for that lowlife, it was too fast for me. If I were to catch it, hehe...

Then just now, my mother woke up and took a life away, unintentionally! She just wanted to take a leak. But just as she lifts her foot off the bed and step on the ground, she heard a "squish" and felt something sticky on her sole. She took a look and realize its a Jude! OMG!


Why are there so many Judes in my bedroom? I believe a call to PestBusters is in order. Or I can do it for free by cleaning up the toilet-turned-storeroom in the bedroom. I guess the manhole cover is broken. Going to buy a titanium cover tomorrow to seal it up for good. Better still, I should move to an apartment on a higher floor. Studies have shown that Judes cant crawl to very high levels, which explains why he is still a Stuff Sergeant up till now (no pun intended).

Whatever the solution is, I must get it done ASAP.
I cannot conjure the scene of Judes crawling around me while I am in La-La Land. That is simply too gross.

mom: ah! jin! jin! quickly come!

me: SMLJ? so late dun slp?

mom: you this see gin na! got cockroach lah!

me: wtf? again! last night i just saw leh!

mom: issit? but why i step on it sia?

me: how i know? the cockroach suay lor. u wan to go pee also can kill something. quickly clean up the body and go slp.

September 14, 2008

Having sworn fealty, must I devote my entire life to servitude?

The fact that I am going to be liberated proves it. Mwahahaha.

On a side note, now that I am about to resume my life again, I am thrown into the crossroads once more. What do I want to be?

The thing about this question is I've got only one chance to make the decision. Once I made a choice, I am going to have to stick with it till the end because in this time and age, second chances does not come by easily. And even if they do, it is not necessary that they will come to me.

Should I follow my heart or my brain?
My passion or the realities of life?

I am only 20 years old, why do I have to bear such a burden? A burden that will change my life forever! But then again, I guess thats how boys become man. Those who doesn't becomes gay, marry a rich guy and live happily ever after. Period.

September 12, 2008

Oh my gosh!

This was me; 10 generations ago!

September 10, 2008

Today is a good. I broke the rule for the first time in my life. I went to watch 12 Lotus behind alot of people's back. Surprise surprise.

The show was not what I had expected. I thought it would be a nice hokkien film but it turned out to be a Teochew-cum-Banglah film; not that the actors started speaking in Banglahdeshi but rather people will suddenly just start dancing and singing out of the blue.

To sum it all up, the show is about the lyrics of the song 十二莲花.
And 十二莲花 is about this girl with a sad life from the day she was born till the day she die. By explaining the lyrics to you guys will suffice to give you all an idea what the film is about. I think.



第一可怜罗莲花 出生风场昧快活

凄惨落泊就是我 做牛做马也得拖
(This pitiful Lotus was born in a fucked up environment and has to endure many hardships in her life)

第二可怜莲花酸 苦命莲花心头酸

后母不为仔打算 想要嫁人也久长
(With a stepmother that don't give a fuck about her, she suffers silently in her heart, wondering when will she ever get married)

可怜呀莲花呀 实在可怜代
(Pitiful Lotus oh~ very very pitiful)

第三可怜莲花姐 坏命做工到半暝

头烧目晕那是病 破病也得去赚钱
(She needs to work day and night in order to survive. When she is really sick, she can't even afford to take MC)

第四可怜莲花代 好坏人客阮招待

十分招待嫌阮坏 要打要骂又要塞
(Forced into prostitution, she has to attend to all sort of customers. She often gets beaten, scolded and slapped for providing poor services even though she actually did a good job)

可怜呀莲花呀 实在可怜代
(Pitiful Lotus oh~ very very pitiful)

第五可怜莲花种 有人实在无同情

也无外多钱阮用 要打要骂又要种
(The men she loved always abuses her. Never give her money spend never mind but still want to beat, scold and wallop her)

第六可怜莲花城 流落欢场歹名声

后母爱钱无爱仔 迫到阮呀无路行
(Lotus's chastity has been ruined and with a money-loving stepmother that don't give no shit about her, she is gradually being forced into desperation)

可怜呀莲花呀 实在可怜代
(Pitiful Lotus oh~ very very pitiful)

第七可怜莲花红 阮是可怜歹命人

后母当阮不是人 害阮痛苦一世人
(Lotus is very pitiful has a bad life. Her heartless stepmother doesn't help make things any better. She has to suffer for her entire lifetime)

第八可怜莲花头 流落欢场昧出头

后母顾前无顾后 害阮暝日目屎流
(Her stepmother guards the vagina but not the anus and this caused considerable sorrow for her. Doomed for the rest of her life, she has no future to look forward to)

可怜呀莲花呀 实在可怜代
(Pitiful Lotus oh~ very very pitiful)

第九可怜莲花时 做了这行已几年

可怜家人无相见 阮嘛不知企叨位
(Having been seperated for so long, Lotus wonders how her family are. She yearns to see them once more but does not know if she will ever get the chance to again)

第十可怜莲花光 归暝做工到天光

想到有厝唔汤返 终身再也难见光
(She has a home but is barred from going back. The more she thinks about it the sadder she gets)

可怜呀莲花呀 实在可怜代
(Pitiful Lotus oh~ very very pitiful)

十一可怜莲花怨 想到身世真哀怨

后母迫我做这款 越想心内越超烦
(Looking back now, she feels damn wasted. Being forced into prostitution by her fucked-up stepmother.. why didn't she resist? Now that she thinks about it, she feels damn frustrated)

十二莲花无了时 堕落黑暗难见天

少年赚钱是一时 老来怎样过日子
(The time is up for Lotus. She had to struggle to survive when she was young. When she is old, she still has to fend for herself. And now, finally, her sad life has come to an end.)

可怜呀莲花呀 实在可怜代
(Pitiful Lotus oh~ very very pitiful)

Alright. thats about it. Took me quite awhile but I managed to piece everything together. Please don't laugh, it is a really sad show. But one thing which perplexes me is the "stepmother". Even though almost every verse in the song mentioned about some "stepmother", there is no "stepmother" in the film at all. Hopefully you all will be able to catch some ball. Otherwise, don't worry, just go watch the film. Or you can ask me.

I bought the 12 Lotus popcorn combo today and got a free photo frame which comes with the above photo. It is sitting happily on my office table now. I wonder what Ben will say if he sees it. Haha.

September 04, 2008

When you realise that the person closest to you is actually not as close as you think he is, you will come to understand how little you have accomplished. Everything feels so hollow. All your goodwill have been naught.

How did I let that facade fool me for so long?
Ultimately, the world will still exist without me.

Thanks for making good use of me.

Goodbye my friend.