June 14, 2006

14 June 2006, Daylight

The monsters have overtaken the city. Suprisingly, I am still alive... (?)

After constant coercion from my cousin and impregnation with boredom on this fateful night, I decided to start this blog and see how it goes. My name is Yong Cheng Jin, thats the english one. The chinese one is Yang Chengjin. My family just call me Jin for short and I guess you can call me that too. If you are thinking that I live in China then you're so wrong. I do not reside in China. I wonder why so many people thinks all Chinese live in China. In fact, when I visit chatrooms a long time ago, the people I speak to keep thinking that my homeland is a state or a city in China. No!!!! I am from the Republic of Singapore, a miniscule country in South East Asia, surrounded by Malaysia to the north and Indonesia to the East, West and South. Here's a map for reference:

As you can see, Singapore is so tiny(and far away from China) that its territory cannot be shown on the map. But make no mistake. Just because we are small doesn't mean we are a pushover; we are the most prosperous country in the region and are considered a First World Country(hur hur).

Anyway, I am still a student and am studying in Catholic Junior College, a pre-university institution. I will be graduating this year and next year, I will be 18 and that means I have to serve my National Service, that is, get enrolled into the army. The mere thought of it puts me into revulsion because I will be cut off from the outside world for two years... 2 years... no computer, no PS, no mommy, no outings ahhhhhhhhhh! *Ahem* I must have lost my composure. Oh well, I guess I will survive since I still get to book out during weekends after my Basic Military Training. Besides, I am a patriotic guy haha.

Currently, the biggest obstacle in my life is my Mid-year Examinations, which will commence on 26 June 2006. After which I will be siting for my Preliminary Examinations and 'A' Levels(the FINAL exam I guess people from UK would know what this is) in September and October respectively. *Sigh* The cessation of one exam will only mean the inception of another. I wonder when this Vicious Cycle will end.

My favourite country is the Russian Federation. I don't know why but I guess it might be because of its colossal dominion. Please don't mistake me for an advocate of communism or socialism. I just like the country. But hey, my loyalty still lies in Singapore!

Its 2.22am now. I didn't know its so early already... I guess I will write more tomorrow. Maybe.

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