September 11, 2006

Woooo one more night before my prelims tomorrow... no big deal I guess.
Needless to say, I have been doing physics all day today.

After studying for some time, I needed a rest so I went and drew a mini portrait of King Bradley from FullMetal Alchemist. Actually, I copied the picture from the comic haha. Anyways, it turned out to be better than I expected, considering the fact that I am a novice, no, a noob at drawing =/

A little bit info about the Fuhrer.
King Bradley(yeah King is his name, how cool does that sound) is the leader of the nation of Amisiris in the FullMetal Alchemist world. He is also the commander-in-chief, the highest authority, of the Amisiris Military. In addition, he is also in charge of the formidable State Alchemists, an organization created by him to recruit potential alchemists to fight for the military and to defend the nation. These state alchemists are sometimes referred to as ''living weapons''.

King is exceptionally well trained in sword arts and he used his extraordinary skills to elminate every single person he sees during the raid on Demon's Bar. Lets just say his a super-ultra-pro in sword fighting.

King also has a secret identity.........

"I am not a True Leader you say..... well let me tell you this boy; there is no such thing as a True Leader. My citizens will not become my liability. Now allow me to end your miserable life!'' - King Bradley

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