May 14, 2008

11min 04s

Are we advancing towards evolution or devolution? Why does the latter seems more like the direction we are heading towards to me?

To lock away our true selves and pretend to be someone else. Can one really find contentment in doing that? Whatever happened to altruism?

"Master, as you requested, I have concocted the poison."

"Excellent. So, how is it like?"

"Lethal. Absolutely lethal. It is tasteless, odorless, colourless and the best of it, it does not leave any traces in the human body. It can kill a grown adult in less than a minute."

"Impressive... lethal... brutally lethal."

"Indeed. It would not be exaggerating at all to call it the Most Potent poison in the entire world!"

"Most Potent you say... is there anything deadlier than this?"

"Yes there is."

"What is it?"

"The human heart."

"The heart...? Ahaha. Well said. I thank you for delivering to me this Most Potent poison. You have lived your purpose, I no longer have any use for you and I only trust the dead to keep a secret..."

"Master, you!? Have mercy!! Noooo."


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