November 30, 2008

Grrrr I sat my butt SORE from 3pm to 11pm today hoping to finish my Titanic but people count might as well let heaven count, I couldn't finish building it. There were many many many many many many parts to fix and most of these parts were abhorrently tiny..... and I have to use my hands to handle them. But I realised that I have rather nimble fingers hahaha. I guess I am ready to master the consummate skill of One Sun Finger!


Also, I forgot that I did not have Orange paint. I need it to paint the funnels. And my Gold paint is sort of turning into Metallic Orange. I wonder if its due to me storing it for too long or the gold inside the paint is actually fake gold. Hmmm... But at least the ship is 70% complete. Think I will complete it tomorrow after getting my Orange and Gold paints.

My USS Nimitz will have a friend soon... And for some weird reason, I feel that Titennis sounds better than Titanic.

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