March 30, 2009


I ended up watching COMING SOON instead! It is a new Thai horror film which revolves around this cursed movie which brings death to anyone who watched it. The victim do not need to watch the whole film... he just need to watch this particular scene in it. And he will D-I-E.

Initially, I wanted to watch at Plaza Sing because they have this supposedly haunted theatre there and I thought it will be more thrilling, especially since I am watching alone. But there was no timeslots available. So I went to the Cathay instead. I was half expecting something to grab my hand or leg halfway through the movie. Of course no such thing happened, though i wouldn't mind if there was a hand I could hold on to.

The Mac at Plaza Sing was full so I went over to Marina Sq to have my dinner after the show (ya ya grow fat and die. watever)

After that Sher came over and I helped her with some video conversion so that she can watch her Ugly Betties, Heroes and Friends while on the go. Damn. Her new iPod Touch 2nd Generation is such a beauty!

Work starts in another 9 hours. Same old stuff again. Boring. I hope something exciting will happen soon.

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