March 29, 2010

The legendary right-hand man of Adolf Hitler.

First it was Chrysler and now Volvo. What the heck are these CEOs thinking, selling their companies to China. As we all know, this mother piece of shit land is only good at one thing. Copying, copying and copying. Everyone knows that goods manufactured in that shit country are not reliable, cars included. The people there are just too stupid to engineer a decent automobile. No no no, they are a retarded race who cannot even create a proper handphones or MP3 players.

So what should they do to improve their competitiveness? Buying Stealing other people's ideas. So acquiring Volvo will supposedly give China a foothold in Europe's automobile industry. Right people. Watch out. Things are not so simple. Something has to be done to curb this dumbfuckland's growth before the whole world becomes infested by those pesky little mainland Chinese and degenerates 100 years back in time!

When the 80 year old Swedish marquee goes bust one day, I will be laughing and telling those dumbass management executives "Told ya' so."

Just wait and see.

March 28, 2010

When I first saw the synopsis of this movie a few weeks back, I was expecting it to be Hostel-ish, alot of blood, brain matter, intestines, protruding ribcages, eye gorging, tendon severing, skin skinning (?), fingernails plucking, toe cutting, sharp objects inserted into body openings, head splitting and stuffs like that.

Oh and how can I forget about tongue shredding, wood chipping machine feeding, whipping with spiked whips, hammer to the shin, non lethal lacerations, drilling through knee cap, rolled through a roller machine leg first, roasted slowly over fire and... oops, I have digressed. Let's move on.

The show is not as graphic as hostel. Sure, there are a few parts that makes me cringe but nothing of the Hostel level. Just some arm hacking and tendon severing scenes. I can't say I am disappointed because I was kind of relieved to find minimal gore in the show. I guess I am doubtful of my tolerance for anything beyond Hostel level but I will only know my boundaries when I watched something beyond Hostel level... something live perhaps hehehehe *Ahem*

So the storyline is somewhat similar to Hostel. A bunch of hooligans were escaping to the Netherlands from Paris and halfway on the road, they decided to rest at a motel(hostel?) in the middle of nowhere. Unfortunately for them, the motel was run by a Nazi family who kidnaps and kill people for...

This is the weird part. They don't seem to kidnap people and torture them for fun. And they are most definitely not an organized syndicate that kidnaps people and auction them off for others to torture for fun. They are just a Nazi family headed by a surviving member of the SS. They don't seem to have any reason to be killing innocent tourists. But yet, there were tonnes of body hidden in the bowels of the motel in the show. If I had to name a reason for them, it would most likely be to protect their identity.

So there is no clear explanation as to why the family kills innocent people and there is no concrete plot to it. Just a film showing people at the wrong place at the wrong time. If this is the "French answer to Hostel and Saw", I have say it is not a very good answer. Meanwhile, I will be looking forward to Hostel 3.

One plus point for the show is, the main actress is mother hot! Hot stuffzzz!!!
Karina Karina, you made my day ~

*UPDATES* I just Wiki-ed the movie and found out that the Nazi family are cannibals. Hence, their need to kill anyone who stayed at their motel.

March 27, 2010

The hottest song in 2010 to top the K-Pop billboard charts!!!

March 21, 2010


Now this might work hehe.
Dear Mr Bill Gates,

I think life is too precious to be overly concerned about grades and grades. I am not against education but going through factory processes which aims to assemble you in the shortest time possible can be quite tiring at times. If you are defective, they will just chuck you aside. You can then choose to pay to get re-assembled again, or simply remain in the dumpster for the rest of your life.

I honestly don't believe that you need an ISO Certification in order to be successful. Please tell me how did you rise to where you are today even though you dropped out of college.


P.S. I installed Windows 7 on my Macbook Pro =D

March 13, 2010

There are people who plays a significant role in your life, and then there are those who you think will play a significant role in your life. We often take those who are closest to us for granted and spend our energies in pursuing someone else who don't really care.

Learn to let go. Learn to appreciate. To reiterate the age old mantra from Squall Leonhart once more:

Reality isn't so kind. Keep your hopes lower. That way, you will feel less pain when things doesn't go the way you want it to.

March 11, 2010


Remember I came up with some scientific theories of my own some time back?

Another marvelous scientific discovery by my brilliant mind!

"The speed at which your shit is ejected out of your a-hole is directly proportional to the amount of stress exerted on your rectum." - Jin

Simply put, if you hold your shit for too long, pressure will build up inside you rectum and since the pressure outside your anus is atmospheric pressure, the vast difference in pressure will cause the rectum to eject your shit projectile out at mind-blowing speeds!!!

That is why when you hold your shit for too long, your urge to shit starts to increase and when you finally find a toilet bowl, you find that your shit will be ejected so violently that water from the toilet bowl will splash onto your cheeks. Butt cheeks. You can try to clamp your ass tight but it will be a foolish and futile attempt to contain your shit. The force generated by the difference in pressure is simply too huge for our human ass to control.

This phenomenon is all the more evident when you have watery shit. The high-speeds at which your liquid manure is ejected results in those melodious PU PU PU sounds. And because its watery, you tend to see your whole toilet bowl covered with your shit after you had a watery dump. That is attributed to Newton's Second Law which involves the high speed at which your shit particles hit your toilet bowl. Ha. Even Newton's Law confirms my theory.

There you have it! OMG I am so proud of myself. Someone should totally give me a Nobel Prize.

I shall call this new theory "Jin's Shitty Law".

Like all other laws of Physics, you cannot defy Jin's Shitty Law. So next time when you need to shit, do not hesitate and quickly find a toilet. It will be healthier for you and your rectum. You wouldn't want to have your rectum ruptured due to excess pressure build-up would you?

Next mystery to solve: Why do humans experience a moment of temporal bliss the moment they let out their shit which have been held back for a long time.

March 09, 2010

Alright this is going to be childish but I don't care. Here goes:


Whew. I don't feel any better.


March 07, 2010

The Glasgow Smile.

Does it sound like a new film to you? Or a cocktail? Or the name of a ship? A painting? A monument? A person? The name of a band?

Hahahaha... I bet you all my FE1003 notes that whatever you are thinking of, it is not the right answer.

This innocent name has a not so innocent definition...

The Glasgow Smile is a nickname for the result of cutting the face of a victim from the edge of his mouth to his ears. Remember Joker from Batman? The cut, and the scars it leaves, resembles an extension of a smile. How cute. Wait... there is more.

Sometimes, to further hurt, or even kill, the victim, he would be stabbed in the stomach or kicked in the groin (for men) so that his face will be ripped apart when he screams. And why is it called the Glasgow Smile? Because the practice originated from the city of Glasgow, Scotland.

This is a cruel, if not, inhumane, way of treating another person. But I guess its an effective tool of fear because I am disturbed by it. Especially the thought of my face ripping apart. Ouch. Well, I guess to make it less cruel, we can tickle the victim instead of stabbing/kicking him. At least he will have a moment of joy before finding his face split in two. Hey, if he is lucky, he might be able to hold his laughter and save his face!

Ha! I sure know how to improvise. And I shall name this new method of torture...

Jin's Grin!

March 01, 2010

La la la la la la la la la la~~~

*Takes out pen and paper*

*Logged onto Edventure*

*Opened my e-mail inbox*

La la la la la la la~~

*Start checking for deadlines and events*

*Begin planning schedule for the week*

La la la la la~

*Admires my super neat handwriting*

*Grins happily*

*Writes more and more into my schedule*

La la... la?

*Zooms in on 9th Mar*


La LAMPA LAH! The end is near!

If I can't survive, everyone else will be going down with me.

Ebony Tuesday is coming.