March 28, 2010

When I first saw the synopsis of this movie a few weeks back, I was expecting it to be Hostel-ish, alot of blood, brain matter, intestines, protruding ribcages, eye gorging, tendon severing, skin skinning (?), fingernails plucking, toe cutting, sharp objects inserted into body openings, head splitting and stuffs like that.

Oh and how can I forget about tongue shredding, wood chipping machine feeding, whipping with spiked whips, hammer to the shin, non lethal lacerations, drilling through knee cap, rolled through a roller machine leg first, roasted slowly over fire and... oops, I have digressed. Let's move on.

The show is not as graphic as hostel. Sure, there are a few parts that makes me cringe but nothing of the Hostel level. Just some arm hacking and tendon severing scenes. I can't say I am disappointed because I was kind of relieved to find minimal gore in the show. I guess I am doubtful of my tolerance for anything beyond Hostel level but I will only know my boundaries when I watched something beyond Hostel level... something live perhaps hehehehe *Ahem*

So the storyline is somewhat similar to Hostel. A bunch of hooligans were escaping to the Netherlands from Paris and halfway on the road, they decided to rest at a motel(hostel?) in the middle of nowhere. Unfortunately for them, the motel was run by a Nazi family who kidnaps and kill people for...

This is the weird part. They don't seem to kidnap people and torture them for fun. And they are most definitely not an organized syndicate that kidnaps people and auction them off for others to torture for fun. They are just a Nazi family headed by a surviving member of the SS. They don't seem to have any reason to be killing innocent tourists. But yet, there were tonnes of body hidden in the bowels of the motel in the show. If I had to name a reason for them, it would most likely be to protect their identity.

So there is no clear explanation as to why the family kills innocent people and there is no concrete plot to it. Just a film showing people at the wrong place at the wrong time. If this is the "French answer to Hostel and Saw", I have say it is not a very good answer. Meanwhile, I will be looking forward to Hostel 3.

One plus point for the show is, the main actress is mother hot! Hot stuffzzz!!!
Karina Karina, you made my day ~

*UPDATES* I just Wiki-ed the movie and found out that the Nazi family are cannibals. Hence, their need to kill anyone who stayed at their motel.

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