May 22, 2012

Feeling intrigued, I Googled "dreaming of ghosts in your house" today at work.

Pregnancy? That might come in handy.

Looks like I am not alone.

The information I found were largely inconclusive with some sounding rather absurd and ridiculous. Case in point: dreaming about having sex with a ghost means that you can expect to receive some unexpected riches. Then there are sites which ask me to dial-a-psychic to have my dream interpreted for a nominal fee. Yeah, like people will actually do that just to find out more about a dream. Or do people actually do?

In any case, some of the more plausible interpretation (from a website full of grammatical errors, Hitler would turn in his grave!) of my dream from my brief research is as follows:

1. To dream of meeting a ghost of a stranger in your home or a different location might mean you are in trouble (you don't say). Or it could also mean that the ghost is checking you out to "know" you better before they haunt you.

The second interpretation feels more palatable to me.

2. Ghosts may represent a part of you which you do not understand (like my bewbs?) or have yet to come to accept. They may also represent things that are fleeting or unattainable (I can't be a Pokemon Master?). Dreaming of friendly ghosts is not a positive omen. On the contrary, dreaming about evil ghosts can be an indicator of good fortune to come (who writes these stuff anyway?).

The third interpretation sounds reasonable as well.

3. Dreaming that you are being haunted indicates unpleasant traumas from your past or repressed feelings/memories. You are experiencing guilt and/or fear for your past actions and thoughts. (I wouldn't be surprised actually... but then why only now?)

I have thought about the 3 interpretations for a bit at work today and wonder if I am wasting my time thinking about something which even science have no explanation for. Perhaps the best way to find out would be to do things the scientific way; observation and evidence. Simply put, I just need to install video cameras around my house to see if there's any party going on at night. I might not have the courage to look through the footage though.

Like hell I would want to know if there is something behind me!

But wait, I don't even have the money to buy a video camera. So lets just forget it.  

Anyway, I had another dream again yesterday night. This time round, I was in my living room, I can't remember the details but I saw my keyboard and mouse being turned in a 90 degrees direction continuously. And I seem to be arguing with someone. Or something. Arguing?

Weird. Maybe a video camera formation is really necessary.

You know, for all I know, this might turn out to be similar to a Fatal Frame plot where I will get trapped in my dream permanently eventually, having to escape from the ghost in my dream for all eternity.

Snapping ghosts for all eternity huh...

I wonder.

Oh. And I bought some strawberries today. They are some huge ass strawberries.

Looks like my nose for some reason.

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