December 25, 2007

First things first: Merry Christmas to all you people.


I am so grateful for this particular body part. Most of us seem to just take it for granted and only reveal it when they need to. Other than that, we will just keep this body part tuck away in our clothings, never showing it to others. Why? Because we deem it to be a shameful act.

By now I assume most of you would roughly know what I am talking about.
Yes, its our cheeks.

I used to take my cheeks for granted too until I took up loller brading last week.
It help to reduce the impact of my fall and thanks to it, I got to feel the existence of my butt
for the first time since many years. And I am talking about my butt cheeks. Not our face cheeks.
(How we can use our face cheeks to break our fall I have no idea)

These pair of natural cushions given to us is such a miraculous thing.

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