April 25, 2011

I can't sleep and I have a quiz later at 8.30 am.

My initial plan was to sleep at 10pm yesterday night and wake up at 6am today to revise but I ended up waking at 12am and stayed awake all the way until now. Damn that ccb thermodynamics assignment. It screwed up my sleeping hours over the past few days. Never in my 3.8 semesters of university life have I dread an assignment so much before. Thank goodness I am done with it. I say good riddance!

I was wondering how to make myself sleep before 12am today. I need to reverse my body clock. So, I went to our friendly internet assistant, Google (never mind that they know anything and everything about what you've searched and where you have been), to get some answers.

Warm milk sounds nice. A hot bath - really? Soft music, meditation and massage all makes me feel sleepy already. And then comes sex. LOL. I was amused by this solution.

Can you imagine telling your spouse next time "Hey, I need to sleep. Let's fuck."
But I have to agree, it works.

Unfortunately, that option is not available for me. So I will probably buy a couple of beer, drink myself drunk and go to sleep.

As the ancient Chinese saying goes:

无boobs, booze也好

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