August 18, 2011

Woman Mercedes driver keeps reversing and reversing -- right into another car

Bitches like this should not only have their license taken away from them, they should also be deported to the far reaches of Siberia and be made to clear the ice until they die. Look at the video. It is clearly, without a doubt, that it is at fault but it still has the cheek to deny any wrongdoing, and an even bigger cheek (read: horse face) to accuse the other party for damaging her car.

Goodness. How could such wretched beings be allowed to exist?

It must be one of those slimy slimeballs which thinks that by owning a branded car, they are the Queen Bitches of the road and with a few stinking cents worth of money, they are always right, even if they are really wrong.

Stupid bitch. It should just go to hell.

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