March 30, 2008

Do you have any friends who spent more than $1000 on wallets alone over a period of only 4 months?

If you think you don't have any... Think again.

March 08, 2008

Some pretty extreme post by this fellow who i presume is a fucking Cina babi. How pathetic can that nation of pigs become?

You know something? Please don't ever let me be in absoulute power because if I am, those son of a bitches are so going to die. I will exterminate every single one of them. They are all bloody useless entities and yet there are so many of them. Ha. How pathetic. Bloody polluters of Earth they don't deserve a place here.

It infuriates me more when I see that those exact same pathetic lowlives are robbing our local students of the top grades! Just look at the results announcement yesterday; most of the scorers are from that pig country. Goodness gracious. How unworthy. They come here, leech our education system, horde all the scholarship money and then in the end, bring everything back to that fucking country.

Good for nothings they all are. They are so wretched I cant stand looking at them.

Please just let me be in power. I will dedicate my authority and power to the annihilation of those pigs.

I want to be the next Fuhrer.
What if it is all a ploy? A very sinister plan by the government?

Mr. Selamat has successfully escaped from a local high-level security detention centre and the hunt for him is still ongoing. It is still oblivious to most of us whether is he still inside the country or whether is he armed. Does he have any plans to strike us again?

Frankly speaking, I find it quite hard to believe that he can escape the detention cell. I mean after all, that place is akin to a CIA Secret Facility which should have top notch security, atrocious looking guards and CCTV along every ten feet of the compound. If he is able to escape from that sort of place, then I wonder what will happen to all the detainees in our local police precint from now all? Will there be a mass breakout?

To put it simply, it is quite unlikely that he escaped.

Which is why I said it is a very sinister ploy.

The truth is Mr. Selamat is still inside the detention cell. The news that he escaped was delibrately released to achieve a "national" agenda. A certain news company might be making a loss now because its sales have been dropping. Therefore, in order to revive that news company, the leaders have decided to come up with this big scoop! This way, more news will be generated and the news company will have more to print and more people will buy the newspapers and read about it! This will naturally translate into more money for the country's top brass?

See my point? Its a very dark world...

Maybe as a side agenda, our vigilance is also put to the test. They want to see how we can cope with national threats like this.

March 07, 2008


March 06, 2008

Mr. Warren Buffett has overtaken Mr. Bill Gates as the world's richest man.
Warren's net asset is calculated to be 62 billion dollars, up from 52 billion dollars last year. The amazing thing about him is he can still become the world's richest man despite giving majority of his forturn to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

Mr. Bill Gates has dropped to the third place after having been the richest man for 13 years. Mexico's telecom mogul Carlos Slim Helu grabbed second place with a tidy nest egg of 60 billion dollars, up from 49 billion last year.

Ok. Back to Warren Buffett. The world's richest man.
62 billion dollars...

Lets assume that he can live till 90 years old. He is now 77 years old. He will have to spend approximately 6.3 million dollars EVERYDAY in order to splurge all his assets away. oMg~

I would be so freaking happy if I can spend $6300 EVERYDAY. 6.3 million dollars...

So please. Mr. Warren Buffett. If you chance by my blog and read this post, kindly transfer $500,000 Singapore dollars into my account. That is all I need to start my investment plan. Once I make it big, I will return you the money. Treat it as doing a good deed!

Anyway, Singapore has a reserve of like wat? 693 billion dollars?


March 03, 2008

Hmmm. Technology is indeed an interesting thing.

In the past, during the gameboy era, I used to fret day and night over not being able to complete my Pokedex. The main problem is I am not able to find the right people with the right Pokemon to trade with. Even if I do find one, I would have to arrange to meet up with him because during that time, trading can only take place through the gameboy cables. Most of the time, we are not willing to travel to each other's place just to trade a Pokemon. And travelling to a pre-planned place just to trade Pokemon is pretty "dumb" as well.

So most of the time, I would only be able to carry out Pokemon trading during family gathering events whereby I can trade with all my cousin. Such family gathering is often rare. That translates into incomplete Pokedex.

But now, things are different. With wi-fi compatibility, the Nintendo DS Lite enables me to not only trade Pokemon effortlessly with my friends but also with people around the ENTIRE WORLD! Yes. Its that amazing.

Just this afternoon, I traded a Pichu for a Charmander. The latter is a very rare in the previous games and there is only one in each game. But now, with "Breeding", you can breed many Charmanders! Anyway, the Charmander which I traded... is from California! That means its a CALIFORNIAN Charmander!

How cool is that haha.

March 01, 2008

If you seen the above person, please call the police immediately. Alternatively, you can also give me a call.