June 30, 2009


Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen has got to be the most action-packed movie of the year.

Before I go any further, to all those who gave the film any score lower than 5 out of 5 or the equivalent, I suggest you guys move to China and watch Big Opera and stay away from cinemas for the rest of your lives.

Yes, back to the action-filled robotic show. The plot is relatively simple: there are some leftover scraps from the Cube in Transformers 1. These scraps are key to unlocking massive energy. The Decepticons want to find the energy and the Autobots want to prevent the Decepticons from obtaining the energy. There you have it. Quite the classic plot with a protagonist side and an antagonist side. So you might wonder how could a film with such a simple plot last 2 hours and above all else, hit $200 million (and still counting) in box office sales within less than a week of its release?

Simple. Action. Hardcore Transformers fanatics. And Megan Fox.

The movie starts with heaps of action, moves along with even more heaps of action and ends with action. Action is the essence of the movie (so are comradeship, leadership, faith and what nots). You don't see an aircraft carrier sink everyday. You don't see an aircraft carrier sink everyday. You don't see an aircraft carrier sink everyday. Sorry, I just can't stress enough on my fave part of the movie. Neither do you get to see a submarine get violently un-submerged and ejected out of the ocean too. And when was the last time you see 2000 pounds of explosives explode (Tropic Thunder comes to mind)? And did you ever stop to wonder if that superhot female classmate could be a sinister robot in disguise biding for the right time to rip your ass in half? The list goes on and on...

Other than action, Transformers 2 also have joke scenes which are humourous to watch and the forever voluptious and scantily-clad Megan Fox waltzing in and out of the show from time to time. Whew. Damn you Beef Beef. Why did they have so much kissing scenes in the show anyway? It was totally redundant! Unless, of course, if I am the lead actor.

Fans might have something to complain about the show (much like how Harry Potter fans would criticize the Harry Potter movies and how Da Vinci Password fans would criticize the Da Vinci Password movie) but for non-Transformers fans like myself, Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen is one epic blockbuster movie of the year. So for those of you looking for a good movie this weekend, the choice is obvious. As for those who have already watched it, there is no harm in watching it again.

Gotta go to work at 1pm later on in the day. I sure hope I can catch some bastards today. Can't wait to be promoted!

June 23, 2009

An Apple a day keeps the doctor away. I suppose I won't need to see any doctors anymore because I will start using my MacBook Pro on a regular basis from now on. As a matter of fact, I am blogging with it right now. Oh man, I feel healthier already!

I originally intended to install Windows XP using the Boot Camp application and use it as my primary OS but have decided against the idea because... erm... well.... Leopard OS X has this mystical aura which will capture the hearts and minds of Windows users and cause them to defect over. Nah, just kidding. Truth is, I want to try out the graphical prowess of the good ol' Apple as well as to familiarize myself with the Leopard - to try out something new instead of sticking to the norm. 

Sure, I won't be able to play my favourite games on Mac but I am not supposed to game in school anyway and if I am at home, I will use my desktop to game. However, even if I can't overcome my addiction, I can always install Windows using Boot Camp and install a couple of games to satisfy my cravings. A MacBook allows you to enjoy the best of both worlds. I sure hope my uni softwares won't have any compatibility issues with Leopard because I am already beginning to fall in love with it.

I wish I can continue playing with my new toy into the wee hours but unfortunately, VERY unfortunately, I need to wake up early for my reservist tomorrow. I would have actually looked forward to it, until some juice came along and changed everything in the last minute. I really could use a juice punch now. 

Bah, what a chore. But I should have expected it because Assistant Superintendent of Police Dominic Tan used to tell me "Expect the unexpected". You peeps would do well to remember that.

June 22, 2009

Give me an invisible island in the middle of the Pacific now and I will stay there for good. Nobody to disturb me, no distractions, no stupid reservist, no temptations, no sorrow, no joy, no pressure, no stress, no expectations, nothing. Just me, my beach house and my island. It would be a paradise.

North Korea can start a nuclear war and wreck havoc upon the world. I will just enjoy the tranquility on my invisible and untraceable (hence, no bombs will hit me) island. The rest of the world can burn - I don't care. The world shouldn't exist without me anyway.

I want to revert to my old self and I want my island, now.

I am going to find this button inside my body, the button to restore my status to a prior date in my life (think System Restore in Windows and Time Capsule in Mac). Once I find it, I am going back to 22 June 2008. I might not be able to control time but I am going to control my mind. Nothing shall stand in my way.

June 21, 2009

Have you ever wanted something so badly but couldn't muster the will to achieve it? If you ever did, you would be able to synchronize with my feelings now.

Having loved and lost a few months back, I have since regained my composure and am seeking to move on to the next better player.

June 19, 2009

Random Pieces of my Random Existence in this Randomly Progressing World

Pikachu wears nice clothes! He looks so happy with his beaming smile I am so proud of him.

My butchering work station... tonnes of gore awaits.

Blatant display of obscene art!

Affectionate display of affection.

So I noticed this used condom pack while I was taking a break from blading some time back. I was at the top floor of a multi-storey carpark by the way.

This deceptively cute looking baby can be a monster! Watch out for her Fury Swipes.

More blatant display of obscene art.

Elmo seems to enjoy heading watermelons. (Slur intended)

I like this picture. It has the "Silent Hill' kind of effect to it.

The secret mastermind behind the most powerful Presidency in the world...

June 16, 2009

This state of the art modern chair will allow you to exercise your back while sitting for long hours to prevent those dreaded backaches and shoulder aches. Furthermore, it is the first chair (I believe) to provide exceptional genital comfort when you sit on it - ONLY if you keep your back straight. What an ingenious way to improve our sitting posture.

Normal chairs will press your "testicles" as well as the "root of the penis" but with this chair, you can enjoy continuous orgasmic sensation even when doing work. I suggest CitiBank change all existing office chairs to this one for the genetalic benefit for its employees.

For best results, try without undies.... hmm.... kinky.

June 14, 2009

The Seductive Fruit of Temptation

June 08, 2009

So someone decided to re-start his blogging activity again. I wonder how long he will last this time. And why do you have to keep posting weird Japanese stuff? Oh well, I guess they are entertaining. That is reason enough.

June 05, 2009

When you don't try, you don't get it.
When you try, you don't get it.

What's the point then?

June 04, 2009

Roca Almondo

Uncertainty. Secret. Hidden meaning.

These are attributes associated with me according to the Coffee Rune. I have to admit it really reflects me to a large extent.

June 03, 2009

Tonnes of movies will be released in the second half of 2009, which has already begun with the advent of June. Of all of the new films, there is one which I will definitely catch. The one and only one.

Transformers 2

This is one epic movie and I love epic movies with lots and lots of action even if there are no relevant plot. The sinking of a carrier strike fleet in the Pacific has got to be one of the most epic scene ever created in a movie. That means I gotta watch it no matter what. And then there is also Megan Fox which makes this show even more worth watching. But nope, although the epic + Megan Fox combo is hot, it is not enough to make this the one and only one film which I will watch.

Iron Man 2

Iron Man 2. Part 1 was nice and I am looking forward to see what the next installment has in store for me but missing it doesn't really matter either.

Twilight New Moon

Girls (and some boys) try to control your emotions a little. I am not exactly a big fan of it but I know many out there are so I just want to tell all the fanatics out there that yes, your second episode of Twilight is coming. Brace yourselves for all the vampiric action. I will be preparing my garlic and holy water at home.

Harry Potter

Right. Harry Potface - Potter I mean. As with all movies which were adapted from novels, this ongoing wizarding series is way better in its paperback edition. Too much content has been shaved just so to make the movie of an acceptable duration and that means there are many abrupt scenes in the show. If you have read the book (like me), you would probably be able to catch what is going on in the show. Otherwise, you might be left wondering how the heck did this scene suddenly lead to the next. (Oh, its a Harry Potter film. It has to be MAGIC!) Anyway, for all the fans out there, time to take out your Hogwarts cloak and hat and prepare for the gala premiere of the show where wizards wannabes will gather at certain cinemas to witness the magic - AGAIN.

Captain America

With all the superheroes flicks coming out in recent years, its about time the most super of all superheroes gets his time on the silver screen! Ladies and gentlemen, I give to you CAPTAIN AMERICA! And no. I am not being bias. Really. My instincts tells me that this will be a very good show. In dark times like this, there is only one person we can count on to bring us salvation. And that one person is CAPTAIN OBAMERICA! This is the ONE AND ONLY ONE film which I will watch NO MATTER WHAT --- in 2011 that is. Hehehe...

GI Joe

Now this is one refreshing movie. I don't really know what it is about but it gives me the impression that it is going to be something like Metal Gear Solid 3 (my favourite game) and this unidentified hot female featured in the poster might be someone like The Boss (my favourite character). Then again, it might be better for me to not bet on it.

Drag me to Hell

Now now this seems to be a promising horror film and I totally dig horror films. But looks can be deceiving, as in the case of Cloverfield and The Day the Earth Stood Still and The Happening and The Village. Ah never mind. Even if I don't catch it in theatres, there are many other channels I can watch it on.

Final Destination

The Final Destination. Isn't it interesting to see how many different ways a person can die in? Maybe its just me. Anyway, the Final Destination series is already getting somewhat moldy. Different groups of people dying in different ways because they escaped from death in different ways at the beginning of the show for 3 times. The temptation of the new methods of dying in this new installment might be the only thing to tickle my interest but I think I will pass if I were to end up laughing like a hyena while watching this show.

Now, the time has come to unveil the ONE AND ONLY ONE movie which I will want to watch this year! The one movie which has truly caught my imagination. I give to you people:



This is simply too wonderful. No words can describe the amount of happiness which flooded me when I saw the poster for this movie. Its like a dream come true for me! Embrace yourself once again in the land of fantasies where you will never grow old and die. Where you won't have to worry about the difficulties of life. Where all you need to do is just feed your tamagotchi, play with it and clean its shit and remember to turn off the lights for it too when it sleeps.

Relive your happy moments once more. Watch Tamagotchi The Movie!

June 02, 2009

Bald is the new sex appeal factor.