July 17, 2006

I have been pretty busy these past few days; reports, assignments etc etc.

A Ms Rosaly Lopes from NASA came down to my school last Wednesday and gave us a talk about Saturn's largest Moon - Titan(Duh~). She is part of the ongoing Cassini Project which aims to reveal what lies beneath the thick atmosphere of Titan. Yes, an atmosphere on a moon. This is what makes Titan interesting. Furthermore, based on the images they have obtained from the Cassini and Huygen spacecraft they sent there, they extrapolated that Titan's terrain might be similar to that of Earth, with rivers, mountains, plateaus and perhaps with ocean - but one filled with liquid methane instead. They think that methane would be the water for Titan and they suggest that there might be rain on Titan as well. However, the prospects of life on Titan is rather dim as the average temperature is around -200 degree celsius. Any lifeform on Titan would no doubt be cold-blooded.

I enjoyed the talk, partly because I am interested in our univerese and party because joining NASA is my dream! Yes, I would like to play a part in ushering mankind into the Space Age. And I am gonna work hard for it - more mugging XD

Went to swim over the weekend and discovered to my horror that I can only swim 20 laps compared to the usual 40. Thats the kind of thing one month of mugging and gaming can do to your stamina and fitness. Perhaps because it was really crowded that day, so much so that I accidentally hit somebody swimming past me and got a cut on my hand~ nothing serious though. I wonder how badly injured that person's face is lol

All right gotta go now, dad's downstairs waiting for me.

July 11, 2006

just another dream?

I believe my memory is starting to improve because I remembered to zip everytime after visiting the toilet today.

I don't know what is this I am feeling.

This person is constantly on my mind. I can't focus on my work because I would keep thinking about this person. The thought of this person would miraculously brighten up my mood. I will be at a lost for words whenever I am around this person even though deep down in my heart, I want to talk to this person so bad. I would often steal glances at this person whenever possible, half-hoping that I would be seen, half-hoping that I would not be seen.

Whats gotten over me?

Is it just another crush?

Or am I in love?

My first adolescent relationship ended abruptly. One day, she suddenly decided to ignore me altogether. My friends tole me that I was ditched. I was 11 then.

I guess I could say that I was still young at that time and didn't really fathom the complexities of a boy-girl relationship.

But now, I am already 18. Am I ready to devote myself to a second relationship?

I don't know...

But first, am I even appealing to this person?

I don't know...

One thing is for sure though, I would cherish this person wholeheartedly if we could establish a relationship.

But how can I be so sure?

I don't know...

Can I ensure the perpetuity of our relationship?

I don't know...

In the end, nothing is absolute. Thats why Einstein came up with the Theory of Relativity.

So many questions but not a single answer. Guess I will continue thinking about this person for the time being. Then again, I should keep my hopes lower. That way, I would feel less pain. Reality is not so kind.

Oh, by the way, I got 61/100 for Physics, just to update my previous post

'Life goes on, with or without love'

senile dementia?

Hmm I have a confession to make - I've got short term memory! How do I know? Recently, everytime after going to the toilet, I -urm- kinda keep forgetting to zip up x(

Ah well, go ahead and laugh at me, call me an idiot, a moron, a retard whatever.

But somehow, nobody seems to notice it though. I can walk from the first floor toilet to my classroom on the forth floor without having anyone making wierd gestures at me or giggling at me. Its always my friend beside me in class that inform me of this atrocity(how they know it in the first place, I don't know) then I would immediately zip up. Either that or I would just notice it subconsciously. If not I would just suddenly remember that I forgot to zip up. Wierd. Wonder if theres anything wrong with my brain.

I think its the fourth time already. Crap, I must do something about it.

Then again, its wierd that I can always remember to wash my hands...

All right my mid-year exams results are back and my grades are not exceptionally fantastic but they are not obscenely abyssmal as well.

English - 53/100; Grade C
Physics - Not told about the marks yet; Grade B
C. Maths - 64/100; Grade B
Further Maths - 63/100; Grade B

I am not really very pleased with my results because I knew that I could have done better if I had spend more effort practicing questions instead of just memorising the formulas and stuff.. Guess I will work harder for my prelims.

At least I won't get a dressing down during the parents-teachers meeting.

Oh and I have been feeling rather good yesterday(yes this blog is for yesterday) and this morning(I am writing yesterday's blog today). I wonder why....

Gotta go to school now.

''WHY! Why must Zidane go headbutt that person. ARGHHH its his last match and he chose to remember it with a Red Card and not a Championship Trophy. What the heck could he be thinking?!''

July 08, 2006

Hi, are you interested in knowing more?

Yesterday and today was the MOE Excel Fest. Its an event created by the education ministry for schools to showcase their various projects. It was held in Catholic High School and I was in charge of promoting the National Youth Achievement Award scheme to the public and other schools. My teammates and me just stood at our booth and attend to people that seems interested. Overall, it was quite a boring task since not very many people are keen to know more about the scheme but there are some that are interested in knowing more though. The other booths during the Fest was rather interesting as well. One was telling people how silk is obtained from the coccoon of silkworms and they even has an actual demonstration. Then there is also one that exhibited robots. They have this robotic snake that seems to move whenever the visitors touches it but actually the displayer is controlling it with a small remote control in his hand. Some of the kids present at the Fest was quite smart as well, they actually know what a photon is, stuff that you won't get to learn until you reached the JC level.

While waiting for visitors to enter our booth, Dwayne would spin a pen in his hand from finger to finger and he could do it very well. I tried to mimic his actions but failed. I can't even spin the pen around my thumb. Guess my fingers are not very flexible. Still, I will continue honing my pen spinning skills . I was also told by James that there is a National Pen Spinning Club and that the members are really the experts in pen spinning haha. I din't know they would actually go and create a club for pen spinning :s

I was so glad when my shift today for the Fest is over because it was really really very boring standing at our booth most of the time and asking passer-by ''Are you interested in knowing more about the NYAA program?''. It would be good if they wants to know more because then we can kind of chat with them. But there really isnt very many people thats interested in knowing more though. I wonder why my teacher wants to make NYAA a subject in school...

My cousin came over today to have a drink with my second brother.. in the late afternoon and I temporarily became a waiter -_-''. Took a nap after that and woke up at 8pm. Have to do my homework now and gotta finish my NYAA report arghhh that damned 15000 words long report >.< Anyways I was browsing through the net earlier on and found some cute photos which I
have decided to place it here since I don't feel like starting work yet.

'Awww look at those black beady eyes.'

'This cup makes my face look big'


'Brotherly love'

'Eeek, get away'

'Dont even think of patting him!'


'Tasty nut'

'Hey, gimme a hand'

It pretty hot tonight. Guess I will take another shower later. And I still don't feel like doing my work.

''The NYAA scheme aims to encourage young people to develop attributes such as perseverance, self-reliance, determination and responsibility towards self, society and nation.''

July 04, 2006

remember remember the 4th of july

Today is a day where history was written, a day where a great nation was formed. 230 years ago, after a long struggle for freedom from the British King which eventually led to the defeat of General Cornwallis, the Continental Congress announed to the entire world that Great Britain no longer owns the colonies in North America. These colonies would then come together to form the United States of America, the country that helped usher mankind into a new age and the superpower that help defend and preserve world peace. The United States is a great nation indeed, from a fledgling new nation with humble origins, they have emerged to become one of the most advanced civillisation the world has ever seen. The invention of aeroplanes, the construction of the world's tallest building, the computer, the light bulb, the artificial heart and the landing of a man on the moon - these seemingly impossible feats were all accomplished by the Americans.

Today is the commemoration of the that fateful day which made all these wonderful things possible. The 4th of July, Independence Day of the United States.... and my birthday!

All right, today is my eighteenth birthday and I am officially recognized as an adult by the Singapore government(nope, as much as I wish, I am not an American, not that I hate being a Singaporean), meaning that I can legally own a dildo, carry it around the street and slap people with it. Eventually, I will be arrested by the police for public harressment and be taken to a police station for interrogation. The police will ask me where did I obtain the dildo and I will just say ''Sir, I found it in the shower room of this building''.............................................................GTA anybody?

Ok there are pros and cons to being an adult. One of the pros is what I have just mentioned above.. and one of the cons is that you will have more responsibility. In due time, I will have to look after myself myself, get a job, please my superiors, complete my tasks on time, get a girl, get married, get a kid, look after my kid etc etc etc. Maybe I am fast forwarding way too into the future but true enough, with more freedom comes more responsibility. I would have to exercise my freedom responsibly. Otherwise, I could risk being lock up for public harressment.

I got an upset stomach today and spent some 30 minutes in my school toilet expelling biotoxins. I thought my friend was serious in getting me a Risk 2210A.D. for my birthday present but it turned that he was just joking with me grrrrr. Curse you Alphonsus and Kenneth! You shall be banished for lying. Anyway, after school, the three of us went to United Square to exchange my comics; I bought Fullmetal Alchemist book 3 and 4 yesterday but they were published by a different publisher from my book 1 and 2. The formers were published by Dong Li while the latters were published by Chuang Yi. The two types of comics were different in sizes so they do not look really presentable on my shelf~ Anyways, thank goodness the shopkeeper allowed me to exchange my Dong Li books for Chuang Yi books.

I went home after that and my stomach were still not ok, its like all my gastric juices are churning inside me and that feeling is -ugh- dreadful. I took a bottle of stomachache-relief medicine and felt slightly better. Then, after bathing, I went to take a nap without turning on the fan. The result was I woke up with my shirt partially wet. Yes, its that hot. I was abruptly awakened by the telephone. I went to answer it and my mom was on the line, shes coming back today and wanted me to go downstairs to help her carry her luaggages. She asked my to go down at 5.45pm so I waited for 5.45pm duh~ However, when I was about to go down, she appeared and the doorstep and was yelling at me, asking me what took me so long. I was trying to explain but all my efforts were drowned in her roar. Not wanting to argue with her, I just let her continue roaring but she kinda went overboard and start shouting crappy stuff like 'Other people have children, so do I. But why is my children so horrendous.' I was like 'Hello, you just returned home and you are engulfing the entire house with your ridiculous and loud remarks. Do you even remember its my 18th birthday!!!' Of course I said that in my heart for I do not wish to incur her wrath. Some of her remarks were really sickening, so much so that I got pretty pissed off with her. After a few minutes of shouting, she sorta cooled down(hey shouting do releases your stress) and come ask me, who has been silent all this while, to go for dinner. Since she has already decided to make peace with me, I decided to do the same as well :D

She and dad went to order the food first while I went over to Uncle Andy's house to wish him happy birthday and gave him his present. As usual, he gave me another Swatch. Drats, perhaps I should buy him something more expensive next year... Sher gave me a long sleeve shirt and I like it alot. Maybe I will wear it next time I go out with her. Sher's grandma, who is also uncle Andy's mother, gave me a red packet. Woo, I am gonna be rich for a while haha.

I went back to find my parents and started eating and after eating, I went to ordered a cup of sugar cane juice. Thats when my stomach act up again. The churning feeling is back and for a moment I thought I was gonna puke out what I ate. Thank goodness I didn't. Since my stomach is not well, my mom says that she won't be buying a birthday cake for me since I can't eat it anyway. Ahh wth mom your so cheap!!! But then again, I seem to have lost my appetite. The only presents I received for the rest of the night are red packets - money. I think thats the best kind of present since I can buy what I want with the cash instead of getting something I don't really like but I know its the thought that counts... Still, I really wished somebody would get me a Risk 2210A.D. or even better, a PS3 *slapz*

My stomach feels better now but there is still this funny feeling. I hope it would go away soon. Come to think of it, my stomach starts to go haywire during school time, so it must be the Honey Stars which I ate in the morning... perhaps its because I left it on the table for too long before consuming it..


One lucky Philadelphian purchased a $4.00 picture at a flea market. What they found behind the picture was an original 1776 printing of the Declaration of Independence. It was sold to TV producer Norman Lear for 8.1 million 0.0

Events that happened today in history:
1054 - Brightest known super-nova(Crab Nebula) starts shining for 23 days
1776 - US gains independence from Britain
1807 - Birth of Giuseppe Garibaldi, the one who united Italy
1918 - Birth of Taufa'ahau Tupou IV, king of Tonga
1920 - Birth of Leona Helmsley, real estate billionaire
1938 - Suzanne Lenglen, 6 time Wimbeldon champion, dies at 39 of anemia
1942 - 1st American bombing mission over enemy-occupied Europe (WW2)
1984 - Yuri Sedykh from the USSR throws hammer at a record distance of 86.33 m
1997 - First US spacecraft, Pathfinder, lands on Mars
1977 - Manchester United's manager, Tommy Dorcherty, sacked by the club's directors
1984- Birth of Akanishi Jin, a member of J-pop band KAT-TUN
1988 - Steffan Edberg beats Boris Becker for Wimbeldon crown
1988 - Birth of Yours Truly!

''Proclaim liberty throughout all the land unto all the inhabitants thereof''

July 03, 2006

the sheriff's not at home!

My mom is away on a vacation. She left Singapore for Batam yesterday morning, leaving me, my father, my second brother and his wife at home. She won't be back until the 4th of July which is this Tuesday. I can't wait for her to get back because well, anarchy seems to have taken over my apartment. 'Anarchy' might be too strong a word but I can't really find any other better word to replace it ^.^ Anyways, my bro's wife, who will always smoke outside the apartment when mom's around now makes it a habit to smoke in the toilet instead, filling it with the pungent cigarette smell. Everytime I need to use the toilet, I had to fan the darn smoke out. Its like what the heck, I have to clean up after her!!! Then my dad, who used to be at home with my mom on most Sundays disappeared early in the morning and didn't return until late evening. The four of us went to have dinner with my aunt ah moi, aunt sharon, uncle peow and uncle joe which cost $161. The food was really good. My dad downed two bottle of Carlsberg with uncle peow and they were in a semi-drunk state after that. My dad then suggest that they continue drinking at peow's home and uncle peow agreed instantly. So we made our way to his house( my bro and his wife went home) and they downed another bottle of Carlsberg, 5 cans of Carlsberg and 4 cans of Guiness. At this instant, they were drunk and were uttering rubbish, hilarious rubbish. I had never seen my dad in such a drunken stupor before. Aunt ah moi then teased him, saying that ''Whoa your wife not around then you very happy right.'' and I believe that the statement she made was true to a large extent. To be honest, I like my dad better when he is a sober man. We went home at 12am.

All right thats what happened at night.

My brother decided to repaint his room from blue to white and surprisingly, he didn't ask me to help lol. In the past, he would always demand me to help him do his stuff. Since he didn't ask for my help, I didn't bother to offer it as well. You all know how tiring it is to paint a room right :P My dad disappeared awhile after I woke up but he bought me some crappy noodle for breakfast. It sucks. I went to watch Yu-Gi-Oh on Kids Central after that(I was browsing through the channels and that was the only show that appeals to me most) and went to United square with Sher in the afternoon. Before that, Sher went to have her breakfast/lunch at the hawker centre and we had to wait like one hour for her fried rice to arrive! If business is really that good, I wonder why the stall owners(they are a couple; the husband cooks and the wife serves) didnt hire assistants to help them.

I finally got my Fullmetal Alchemist comic 1 and 2. 15 books were out already but I only bought enough cash to buy two. I went to have some Minimelts ice cream next and boy, they tasted good(its my first time). For unknown reasons, I felt very hungry and so, went to Subway with Sher. I ordered a Parmesan bread with ham, tuna and all the veggies and boy, they tasted awesome(is it just me or wat?) Sher ordered the same meal as me but without all the veggies. I think I made a fool out of myself while ordering because the waitress was looking at me in a wierd sort of way but hey its my first time ordering ok, in the past, I always got my friends to buy the food for me! Now I know that they will put in all the veggies for you unless you tell them what not to put in. And that you can choose to toast the bread as well. And you pronounce Parmesan as Par-mer-sawn instead of Par-mi-san(shucks).

Sher and I went to shop for a birthday present for my uncle Andy whose birthday is just round the corner. After much deliberation, I decided to buy an Addidas shirt for him and Sher decided to buy an Addidas track pants for him. We bought our stuff in the same shop lol. Come to think of it, its my first time giving somebody a birthday present(well i cant really remember if its really my first time but heck). I used to be indifferent in the past because I don't really expect people to be giving me bday presents since I don't really celebrate my bday with anybody other than my family. And the presents I receive are more or less standard; a bday cake and some hong bao(red packets containing money). Thats it. I like things to be simple and don't really like crowds, especially when they crowd in a puny three-room flat-_-'' But uncle Andy was a different case cause he always remembers my birthday(well thats coz both our bday lies on the same day which, coincidentally, is a great day *grins*) and has given me Swatches for bday presents! So, if I still don't buy him a present, I will be tantamount to an ungrateful person. You might say I am a cheapo but hey its the most expensive gift($55) I have ever given to anybody and besides, I am just a student with limited finance, so I can't afford luxury items. Its the heart that counts anyhow haha. Sher went to a wrapping store to get the track pants wrapped with a green translucent(weird choice imo) wrapping paper. She kind of wasted $1 because the way the attendant wraps the present is so simple that Sher might as well wrap it herself lol.

It was already 3++pm by then and Sher said its time for her to go home to revise! Am I hearing things? Sher revising during non-exams period? Ahahahah... Anyways good for you Sher! Continue to be constant in your revision and I am sure your mid-year grades will not repeat itself. GANBATE!!!
[Apparently, Sher lacks determination. How do I know? I called her a short while after I reached home and her maid said that she went out again...]

My bro has not finish painting when I reached home and, needless to say, the living room and my parents room, which is also my room(yep I am a momma's boy), was still packed with stuff from his room. There was very little space so I just sat in a corner in my room and read three quarters of my FMA comic 1. After that, my bro was done so I went to help him pack everything into his room again. The whole house was rather dusty and the floor is quite sticky so I sweeped and mopped the entire apartment. It was 7.30pm when I am done and my dad suddenly appeared out of nowhere... We went to have dinner next and ...... you know what happened next.

Yawnz~ so tired but don't feel like sleeping. I think my body clock has kind of been adjusted. I tried sleeping at 12am the day before but couldn't fall asleep until 3am. Then I will wake up automatically up at around 9-10am the next morning and this has been happening for the past few days. Darn, too much late night sleeping during the holidays.. better start tweaking my clock now.

''Behind this mask lies an idea and ideas, Mr. Culgan, are bulletproof.''

July 01, 2006

When its over... is it really over?


All right, my mid-years examinations are finally over! Yes! God save the Queen! Wooo!!!Wee!!

The papers were not exactly very difficult and I can manage them but as usual, there were some questions that I cannot do. The Physics paper were very easy in my opinion but unfortunately, I do not have enough time to complete it(Grrr..)
My school library is being renovated and a temporary library has been set up in our Student Development Centre. The new library will be larger and have more books and there will be more computers for us to use as well. Finally, the school decided to renovate the library after leaving it there for like 30 years(Thats what I think ^.^) Ahh but I won't really get to enjoy the new facility since I will be graduating this year. Oh well never mind, the National Library is always there for me.

Went to have a haircut in the afternoon. I was discussing with my friend whether should I just let the barber decide what type of hairstyle to cut for me since I always had my hair cut short because well... thats the only type of hairstyle I know! I mean I have seen many trendy hair on the streets but I don't know whats the name for them. I decided that its better to have a plain hairstyle than to have one that I might not like. So off I went to the barber shop and waited for awhile before its my turn. My usual barber asked my how I want my hair to be done so I told him the usual stuff and he asked me what about the back? Do I want them to be sloped or what? Now seriously, I don't understand this slope thing and some other barber terminology so I just told him anything will do. He look as if his going to ask me again but then he stopped and told me he knows what to do. I was like ''Huh?'' Well the haircut was fine and I actually liked it! Wait a second... I always had my hair cut the same way. Hmmm one of these day I am gonna visit a salon and get a hair makeover. I have always wanted to spot long hair and dye them in some greyish colour.

I wanted to watch Silent Hill today but could not find a suitable time slot, its either I missed it already or I am not going to make it to the theatre in time. The available time slots were all in cinemas that are very far away... So I just stayed at home and played my Rise of Nations: Thrones and Patriots. Conquest games are really my predilection and I am also interested in warfare history. The beginning of Hitler's Reign, the fall of Nazi Germany, the beggining of the Cold War, the signing of Strategic Arms Limitation Talks between US and USSR, the plan to materialize the Strategic Defence Initiative, the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991..... But yet, I am not taking any history subjects in school, wierd huh haha. Well, I conquered most of the North American territories(I controlled the Americans) today but after that, I accidentally deleted my save file and had to restart my campaign. Bummer.

After a few hours of gameplay I got tired and went to take a nap. It was already 7.30++ pm when I woke up and I went to eat my dinner. Sat in front of the television after that and found out that Ah Ya, a host of the Taiwanese variety show ''I Guess I Guess I Guess Guess Guess'' is going to resign from her job and travel to New York to pursue her dreams. The farewell montage her colleagues prepared for her was quite touching. It was revealed in the show that Ah Ya's dream crush is actually Andy Lau, who gave her a photocopied version of his credit card as a farewell gift lol. He even asked her to spent as much as she wants XD.

At 11.30 pm, the horror flick, The Park, which I wanted to watch was on. I thought it was going to be real scary from the advertisements but it was not. The story is about this haunted amusement park which was built on top of a cementary. A reporter found by chance a newspaper article about a freak accident that happened in the park, which had been shut down since then, decades ago and decided to investigate it(the usual horror plot). He got killed but his friends thought he went missing and decided to search for him. So a group of teenagers went into the park in the middle of the night and got themselves killed one by one. However, two managed to survive but being alive now doesnt mean you will be alive later. Sigh, its been a long while since I last watched a truly horrifying horror flick. Final Destination 3, although not exactly a horror flick, unnerved me abit but I guess thats because I watched in alone in the cinema. Yes, I am the only person watching the show in the entire cinema. No one else was with me. I went to watch it at 3pm on a weekday at some not-so-popular theatre haha. Now that I think about it, it was quite a thrill though because I heard from my aunty that the very last row of seats in a cinema are usually not available for people to book because they are reserved for ghosts. I was seating at the second last row that time and I kept looking to the back to ensure that there is no apparitions or milky translucent entity behind me. Of course, I made it out of the cinema alive in the end. Indeed, urban legends are nothing more than legends. Perhaps I should try watching a horror flick alone at night.......

Seriously, I really hope some director can come up with a really spooky show that can freak me out. Then again, I should be careful of what I wished for.. especially now when it is the Hungry Ghost Festival for the Chinese.

''You jump, I jump but you jump first.''