August 20, 2007

I pulled out my duffel bag and field pack which has been laid aside for the past few months yesterday to pack for my OBS trip.
When I zip open the bags, a familar smell engulf me... the smell of BMT. The smell of Tekong. The smell of my bunk.
Its not like I never wash my stuff. Its just this lingering smell from Tekong. I am sure you guys know what I am talking about.
I was reminded of my 3 months stay on that cursed offshore island. Though I call it a "cursed" island, it brings back to me fond memories.

Such nostalgia.

August 19, 2007

Ha. Sleeping is such a waste of time again. So much so that I decided to to sleep again for now.

Today's CIP for the annual Heartstrings Walk at the floating platform was so-so. I was deployed as the "Contingency Group" and my role is to walk the 6km walk with the crowd to watch out for any casualties or unprecedented disturbances during the walk. (How my duty has anything to do with my group name I don't know).

Anyways, with only half an hour of sleep the previous night, I set off with the crowd for the 6km walk. The president (the guest of honour, he came by submarine. nah) stood on a platform beside the starting point, shaking hands with his people, waving to them and smiling to them as the crowd walked past him.

We started from the floating platform, walked thru underneath the bridge next to Fullerton, passed by UOB plaza, advanced towards clarke quay, traversed through boat quay, made a turn at the turning point and retraced our steps back to the floating platform. Somewhere in the middle of our walk, I saw some Falun Gong practitioners distributing propagandic pamphlets to the walkers. They seemed to be quite happy... I assume they thought they can recruit a handful of people from the approximately 6000+ walkers but haha tough luck! We are not called Singaporeans for nothing...

For some arcane reason, I feel kind of exhausted after the walk. Mysterious...

The act cute guy, Comms IC and Deputy Provost

The Singapore Eye, heard that it costs $28.50 to ride on it. Might give it a try.

Carracks! I bet they are armed with carronades to protect the president from seaborne threats!

Ha! What have we discover?
!!! Potential mosquito breeding spot! NEA please take note. Maybe its some plot to creat a dengue epidemic...
Singapore my homeland! (Russia really rocks)

August 18, 2007

I am so short of time this weekend.
Sleeping is such a waste of time. So much so that I decided not to sleep today and just leave my house at 5.30am for my CIP at Marina Square.


I am so wilfully in love with Gaara! Die everyone else die!

August 13, 2007

Today is the first day of July in the Chinese calendar.

I just went to burn some joss paper for the "brothers" and "sisters" with chee lin, jin hong, brendan and lee chong on behalf of Alpha coy. I found out that chee lin is quite well acquainted with the customs of the ghost festival.

May all be well!


August 08, 2007

The National Day Observation Ceremony (a.k.a National Day Celebration in the Police Force) just ended. Don't be mistaken though. The ceremony was not meant for us cadets. It was meant for the the various department of the Force, Police Coast Guard, CID, CAD, the 6 divisions just to name a few.
No doubt we cadets were involve in the ceremony but our involvement were largely limited to what I would call the Saikang Department. We were in charge of ushering, registering the guests etc etc.
Walk out time was 5pm. Yet, I am still here in the Academy typing this blog. Why didn't I walk out with the rest? Well, the reason is simple. I have got provost duties today and I need to lower the State flag later at 7pm. I can leave only after the State flag has been lowered and sent to the guard house.
I will take the time to read as much of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows as possible. I really enjoyed the Potface series. Very interesting. How I wish I can learn magic as well. Haha.

I have a vision for Singapore! *waves the miniature Singapore flag frantically*

August 06, 2007

This is bad. I have been inflicted with Otitis externa.

Otitis externa(aka Swimmer's ear), is the inflammation of the outer ear and ear canal. Inflammation of the skin of the outer ear canal is the essence of this disorder. The skin of the bony ear canal is unique, in that it is not movable but is closely attached to the bone, and it is almost paper thin. For these reasons it is easily abraded or torn by even minimal physical force.

Inflammation of the ear canal skin typically begins with a physical insult, most often from injury caused by attempts at self-cleaning or scratching with cotton swabs, hair pins, keys, or other small implements.

Another causative factor for acute infection is prolonged water exposure in the forms of swimming or exposure to extreme humidity, which can compromise the protective barrier function of the canal skin, allowing bacteria to flourish; hence the name, "swimmer's ear".

Oh man. i wished I had read this article earlier. Yesterday at home, I was still happily poking my ear with cotton sticks, trying to dig out ear wax(even though there was none, I just like the ticklish feeling) in an attempt to alluviate the pain in my right ear. And because I thought since it was swelling, I kept flooding my ear with water while bathing, hoping to "cool" down the swelling. Ack. Not a good move. Damn! No wonder the pain got worst this morning.

Stupid me. heck. Argh!

The following paragraph might be useful to some of you guys:

"A natural question is, "How can I clean my ears, then?" It is well established that in most people the top layer of the ear canal skin normally migrates toward the ear opening, essentially sweeping the canal on a continuing basis. In other words, a normal ear canal is self-cleaning. This self-cleaning physiologic feature fails in some patients, especially in late life, and periodic cleaning by a physician can be necessary. The most controlled and least painful means of cleaning impacted wax or dead skin from the ear canal is by using a binocular surgical microscope, which frees the examiner's hands to instrument the ear and provides the magnification and depth perception needed to avoid traumatizing the delicate canal skin and eardrum."

Visit wikipedia for more detailed explanations.

I still can't accept my retardedness in doing the exact opposite things to "cure" my right ear. Should have used "Esuna" or something like that... haha

August 05, 2007

I've got so many things that I want to say but for some reason, I can't. I just can't. Its like my thoughts are all flushed around inside me and I can't set them down and articulate them out.
I am facing several dilemmas and internal problems recently and it vexes me to the core just to think about them.

But yet, I can't escape from them. How ironic.

In the past, I used to condemn people who imbibes concoction conceived from the fermentation of sugars derived from starch based material. Ironically, now, I take pleasure in ingesting that mixture which I so abhorred a long long time ago. Its psychotropic effects is simply overwhelming. However, I must ensure that it does not become habitual. I must.

So they say ".. the only certainty about the future is its uncertainty."