October 31, 2008

Ha! My mini Pikachu collection.

October 30, 2008

My script for tomorrow:

Hello everyone. How time flies. A year ago, I was on Pulau Tekong digging sanitary holes during my field camp. After that I underwent several months of police training at HTA and then here I am today, attending this ORD ceremony with all of you.

I am Cheng Jin and I am the OC Security. I am sure you have seen me around at one point or another in the division. My main role is to supervise the daily operations of the DSU officers.
This OC Security posting is actually a new posting for the OCTs. It is one of the several new frontline postings which are given to us in addition to the usual staff postings. In essence, we are the running pilot trials for these new postings.

To be a supervisor is something totally new for me because I never held any leadership position back when I was in school. I did not work any outside jobs before as well. So I was rather apprehensive when I was posted here. I do not know where I should start from. It was all Ground Zero for me. Fortunately for me, I have a very experienced colleague sitting next to me in the office. Our DSO Lawrence was formerly the OC Security way before me. He showed me the ropes and will assist me to solve any problems which I ran into. He is something like the behind the scenes man, supporting me from the dark. Then there is also my boss, ASP Ben who will drop me a couple of pointers every now and then as well.

Being a supervisor is definitely not easy. I must manage my men well so that they can keep the operations going. I need to deal with issues such as their welfare, morale as well as to look after those officers that are not so well off at home. Furthermore, the NS environment within my unit makes matters more challenging. Because all my officers are NSFs, I cannot choose who I want. Whatever Head PNS posts to my unit, I will have to take them in. Good or bad, willing or unwilling, they have all become my DSU officers. It is then my responsibility to do whatever I need to do to make them valuable assets to my unit.

Other than managerial skills, I also learned about the security system of our division, such as card access, CCTV just to name a few. The knowledge of these security systems are useful skills which might be helpful to me in future.

One of the more important lessons which I have learned is the responsibility which I shoulder as a supervisor. As a supervisor, I need to answer to my superiors and I have to be accountable for my subordinate’s actions. Sometimes, I may be given a demanding task. At times, my subordinates may give me problems. Whatever it is, I will need to solve the problems one way or the other. Of course, I am not saying that all superiors are mean and all subordinates are problematic. With the small trove of experience which I have accumulated over the past year, I believe I will be able to tackle any problems which I may face in future more effectively.

With that said, it was an enriching year I spent in Delta.

May I now invite all of you to stand up, look yourselves in the mirror and FUCK YOUR FACE!

October 26, 2008

"No matter how good public transport is, no matter how much it runs like clockwork, it will NEVER be a match for a car."

- Jeremy Clarkson, Top Gear

Well said Mr Clarkson. This is the irrefutable truth!

October 25, 2008

哦 人类!能够将世人弄瞎的爱到底是何等之物?
(O mortals! What is love that blinds beyond life on Earth?)

Fate, how can you be so cruel?

You brought her into my life. When we set eyes upon each other for the first time, we knew that we were the right ones for each other. Since that fateful day, we had many joyous moments together. Our Love grows deeper and deeper with each passing day. Those days I spent with her were the happiest days of my life. I felt so fortunate. I felt that I was in paradise. I will walk with her through the endless flow of time, ageing gracefully and dying peacefully eventually. Nothing else matters... as long as I have her by my side.

Just when I am about to pledge my everlasting promise to look after her you took her away from me. FATE! How could you be such a bastard?

Why bring her to me when you will take her away from me again? Why? Is it so that you can watch me spend the remaining of my life in agony? Is it because you derive pleasure from others' sorrow? What gives you the right to do what you want with our lives!

Boo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo. WAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! How could you!

OK. Please don't be mistaken. This is just a short anecdote I thought of to summarize "Nights of Rodanthe".

It - is - a - very - loving - movie.

Lovers are strongly advised to catch this movie. It will strengthen the love between you and him/her. Also look out for Richard Gere's smooth silky silver hair ('',)

October 24, 2008

"Fustuarium" was a Roman military form of execution by clubbing, which was imitated by later armies.

Since laxness on guard duty or desertion could endanger the entire corps and even the Roman state, a slacking soldier was liable to be found as unworthy of the uniform, stripped, and beaten to death with sticks by his comrades, whose trust he had betrayed, as a collective exercise of ultimate discipline (power!) against what could be considered as passive equivalents of high treason.

So cruel. No wonder the Roman Army managed to conquer half of Europe. Singapore? Wait long long. We don't get occupied very good already!
Money is the root of all Evil. Money makes the world goes round. Cash is King. Money is not everything but you are nothing without money.

These are the most common descriptions about money which I've heard since young.
Money money money.

It is really such a strange thing.
I remembered when I was young, I did not worry about money. Not at all. My parents were the ones keeping the book for me. They will decide what I need to buy and what I don't. Of course, as a child then, I simply obeyed my parents.

Then I started schooling and my parents started giving me allowances everyday. I had more freedom to choose how I want to spend my money now. Is it that bowl of wanton mee to exorcise my hunger during recess or that pack of trading cards after school to duel my friends with? I don't know if its just me or everyone else but once we have the priviledge to choose, I tend to become unsure of what I want.

That is when I realise that I do not have enough.

If I get this, I won't be able to get that. Maybe I should just get both of them but wait, I do not have enough money. When I don't have enough, I will wish that I have more.

But it is alright. Things are still manageable back then. After all, the things which I wanted as a schooling teenager were not exhorbitantly expensive. With a thrifty mindset and some coaxing skills, sometimes I can still get what I want.

As I grow older, I began to feel that it is inappropriate to keep drawing allowances from my parents. It might sound embarassing but I only stopped taking money from my parents after JC. But it was only then that I understand that I should work for what I want. No more spoon-feeding. Time to get my ass to work. I am no longer a teenager.

Naturally, the things which I desire are becoming more expensive; cell phones, gaming consoles, branded stuff, good food, cars etc. With a minuscule amount of monthly income now (courtesy of the Singapore government), it is clear that I cannot satisfy what I want. This is when I understand the mojo of money; it fulfills your desires. Maybe not all, but definitely part of it.

However, like a double-edged sword, money, or rather the lack of it, can be the source of your woes too. During this past year, I have come to understand that you are nobody until you become somebody and one of the things that can make you a somebody is money. Lesser money not only means lesser material comfort but also changes your stature.

Oh would you look at that fellow. Look at those clothes he is wearing. Giordano? Hang Ten? No no, I bet it is some cheap stuff from a bargain store. He must be a poor fart! Ha ha!

I am sure you must have had such bad experience at one point of another in your life. You are being criticized for not being able to afford expensive things. In other words, for being un-wealthy. What is wrong with being a person who has an average income? Nothing! With all due respect, we are the backbone of our country's economy mind you! Sadly, the problem lies with our society. This society, with its Elites (you know, those people with many money and thinks they are the Oracle), is too quick to judge and will not hesistate to stereotype blindly. Suddenly, having a luck of money is no longer an individual's problem. Instead, it has become the society's. Then again, I guess it is the same everywhere else. So there is no point complaining.

So, I am going to work hard. Earn many money. And I really mean many. So much that I can burn $10,000 bills for fun. Seriously, it feels abyssmal to be belittled and criticized by others. I am going to show them!

Funny. When I was a kid, I used to believe that it is alright to live a mundane life. There is no need to bother about what others say. Everything is fine as long as I am happy. But that is no longer the case now. People really change.

Life as a kid is so much better. I do not have to worry about anything because my parents are always there to handle everything for me. I wish I could go back in time.

But everyone has to grow up eventually.

October 17, 2008

Our then Chief of Army Major General Desmond Kwek (now Chief of Defence Force, LG Kwek) only has 3 medals while the Army Chief of India has like... 20? Note that he has so many medals that they has to be stacked on one another. Even so, he still doesnt have enough space on his left chest for his medals; they "spill" over to his right chest.

Is India embroiled in so many wars that there are so many medals of recognition to be given out? I wonder. Are the medals "quantity" in nature or really are of some "quality"?

Even the guard standing at the background has more medals than our LG Kwek. I guess Indian soldiers are really man of valour that are willing to sacrifice their life for India.

October 16, 2008

What could be worse than being forced to swallow down a piece of your own shit?

When you are forced to swallow 2 pieces instead!


October 13, 2008

As you go about your lives everyday, do take a break from your hectic schedule for a brief moment and consider the following:

There are 2 days in every week that we should not worry about. 2 days that should be kept from fear and apprehension.

The first is "yesterday", with its mistakes and flaws, its faults and blunders, its aches and pains.
Yesterday has passed forever beyond our control. All the money in the world cannot bring back yesterday. We cannot undo a certain act or take back a word we said. Yesterday is gone forever.

The other day which we should not worry about is "tomorrow", with its impossible adversaries, its burdens, its hopeful promises and poor performances. Tomorrow's Sun will rise either in splendour or behind a mask of clouds. Whichever it is, the Sun will still rise and until it does, we have no stake in tomorrow for it is yet unknown.

This leaves only one day; "today". Any person can fight the battle for just one day. It is only when we add the burdens of yesterday and tomorrow that we break down. The sadness comes not only from the experience of today but the remorse of bitterness which happened yesterday and the dread of what tomorrow may bring.

Yes, sometimes life might throw unpleasant things at you but do keep in mind that you are not the only one at the receiving end. When reality bites, we must endure and move on. It is ok to feel sad but never be depressed. Ultimately, life still goes on. Keep that in mind when you go about completing your never-ending workload everyday.

I am too free now to be bothered with these kind of things.

October 12, 2008

Our Mr. Boon Boon has been elected the President of INTERPOL today in Saint Petersburg. We can hope to see more action during his 4 years tenure.

MOSCOW: Singapore Police Commissioner Khoo Boon Hui was elected the new president of INTERPOL on Friday, the international police organisation said.

Delegates chose Khoo at the end of the general assembly of the 187—country police organisation in Saint Petersburg, Russia, INTERPOL said in a statement on its website.

"As the organisation’s new president, I will build on the progress we have made thus far and ensure INTERPOL can better meet the demands of international policing in the 21st century," Khoo was quoted as saying in the statement.

"INTERPOL plays a critical role in international police co—operation by equipping police forces around the world with the necessary infrastructure, training and operational support to combat transnational crime and terrorism," said Khoo.

Khoo replaces South Africa’s chief of police Jackie Selebi, who resigned in January after prosecutors announced their intention to charge him over his links to a businessman accused of murder.

Khoo will serve a four—year term as president of INTERPOL’s executive committee, in addition to his existing duties as commissioner of the Singapore Police Force.

He will be based in Singapore.

INTERPOL, which stands for the International Criminal Police Organisation, has 187 member countries. It facilitates cross—border police cooperation and helps organisations fight international crime.

- Yahoo News

October 11, 2008

哦, 我的天!
比尔斯.波斯南的声音没想到是那么的好听! 虽然他已过五十大关, 满头白发, 但他仍然宝刀位老, 还是那么的帅, 那么的潇洒。




Pierce Brosnan has a really good voice! Even though he is already 50 years old and has a head full of white hair, he has not lost his flair. He still looks good and charismatic.

If only I can be like him when I am old!


Sheez, it took me 12 minutes to type the chinese passage and less than 1 minute to translate that passage into english. Am I still a bilingual person like the government(MOE) certified me to be? I wonder...

But I am definitely not trilingual. I haven't even master mandarin and english yet! When am I ever going to learn a third language! Am I going to keep procrastinating forever?

1st november is coming soon. whoever you are, please be warned!

Anyway, Mr Pierce Brosnan does have a good voice IMHO. Check out the song he sang in 妈妈咪呀(Mamma Mia) which I uploaded.

October 08, 2008

They survived with mothers who have no maids. Their moms cooked and cleaned while taking care of them at the same time. They took aspirin, fizzy drinks, candy floss, shaved ice with syrup and diabetes were rare. Salt added to Pepsi or Coke was remedy for fever. There were no childproof lids on medicine bottles, doors or cabinets at that time. And when they rode their bicycle, they had no helmets.

As children, they would ride with their parents on motorcycle/bicycles. Richer ones will be travelling in cars with no air bags. Riding in the back of a taxi was a special treat. They drank from taps and not bottles. They can spend hours under bright sunlight flying kites, never having to worry about UV rays, which never seem to affect them anyway. they went into jungles to catch spiders without worries about Aedes mosquitoes. 5 pebbles would be an endless game for them and a tennis ball alone will generate hours of fun for the young imaginative minds. They caught guppies in drains and canals and when it rains they swam there.

They share a bottle of soft drink with 4 friends and nobody worried about being unhygenic. They ate salty food, sweet food, very oily food, candies, bread with real butter and drank very sweet soft drinks, ice kachang but they were not overweight because they were always outside playing. They would leave home in the morning and play all day till the streetlights came on. Nobody was able to reach them all day and they were fine on their own. They would spends hours repairing their scooters/bicycles out of scraps and then ride down the hill, only to realise that they forgot the brakes. After running into the bushes a few times, they learned to solve the problem.

There were no such things as Playstation, Nintendo DS, PSP, internet, PC, Xbox360, cable TV or handphones back them. Instead, they had real friends and they went out to find them. They fell down from trees, got cut, broke bones/teeth and they still continued their stunts. They never had birthday parties till they were 21. They rode bikes or just walked to theirr friend's house and just yelled for them. The idea of parents bailing them out when they broke the law was unheard of. Parents actually sided with the law back then.

This were how the children in the past led their lives.

Look at how our society has changed today. Are we getting too pampered already?
Parents rush to defend their children against the slightest form of accusation. They pamper their little emperors and empresses so that they can have a "good life". Is that really the case? Or are such treatments actually detrimental to the young ones?

Hardships are necessary ingredients for a successful life. I look forward to our next generation of leaders.

October 07, 2008

I am tired of hearing news which warns us about harmful side effects of certain products with the most recent one being plastic utensils.

Plastic contains BPA, a chemical which is suspected to cause brain dysfunction and mood disorders. Under curcumstances where you purchase a plastic container solely for decorative purposes, there is no way the BPA can get into your body. However, I believe most of us uses plastic containers to hold our food so that we can eat them. Heres the catch; food contains acids which will gradually break down the BPA inside the plastic and when the BPA goes into the food, we will ingest them together with whatever we are eating. Similarly, microwaving and washing plastic containers with detergent and warm water will also contribute to this BPA breaking down process.

SO, for our health's sake, we have been advised to use glass containers.

What now? Are we supposed to exchange all our plastic containers to glass containers? No, definitely not. These kind of reports come and go. Who knows, one year down the road, some researchers will realise that actually there are microscopic glass shards inside these glass containers which will cut up our organs if we ingest them. So we should switch to metal containers instead. No, wait! The metallic atoms inside the metal containers will gradually get detached one by one and get ingested by us. This increases the chance of CANCER! Stop using metal containers at once.

What then? Use our hands like those people living near the Indian Ocean? No! STOP! Our hands are full of bacteria. Stop killing yourself!

Goodness. This is endless.

First, chocolate is bad for our health. Suddenly, someone realises something and dark chocolate is good for our health. Alcohol is bad for health but red wine helps reduce the risk of cancer. We should drink as much water as possible as it is good for health. But now, drink too much and we risk getting water intoxicated. If something were to be harmful to us, then why market them in the first place? Isnt it just so that some megacorps can earn heaps upon heaps of fortune from consumerism?

Ultimately, if we have the intelligence and discipline to take everything in moderation, nothing will affect us. I just feel that these reports are being generated just so somebody can be recognized for their works. In other words, redundant information.

Seriously, why is our world so shallow?

October 06, 2008

Steven Spielberg's blockbuster "War of the Worlds" epitomizes the philosophical conundrum of Are we alone out there?

It depicts the existance of highly-advanced intelligent alien beings which inhabitated another part of the universe way before we humans existed on Earth. Then, for some unknown reason, the aliens invaded us in 2005 and almost brought about our extinction. Luckily, it is just a movie. We are not an endangered species yet.

So, are we really alone out there? Could there really be some other sentient beings living across our galaxy, trying to figure out whether are they really alone as well? What if, say, these sentient beings do exist but are not so far away from us actually. They might be living amongst ourselves, on the same planet; but on a different plane parallel to ours. I am talking about the Demonic World.

Aiya. Screw it. Just go watch Devil May Cry. It is a good anime and is only 12 episodes long. I am running out of creative juice.

The Eagle Eye is another movie dealing with an Artificial Intelligence that became so smart that it outwitted their creators and attempts to destroy humanity for a greater cause. In Eagle Eye's case however, the AI only wishes to destroy the existing American Government and replace the political vacuum with another administration which is more benevolent and credible(George Bush? Evil ruler? You must be crazy to think that!)

Ariah, the AI featured in Eagle Eye, believes that the current American Government has become corrupted and is no longer capable of executing its function in a rational manner. Therefore, in the name of the Constitution of the United States, Article 34, Section 147, Clause 12, Line 1: "When the Government fails to operate in the benefit of the Nation, the People will have the right to overthrow them", Ariah started plotting to kill the entire American top brass. Despite being a super AI, Ariah does not understand the Constitution. The Constitution clearly states that only the PEOPLE has the right. She is just a piece of inorganic machinery. But whatever.

Using her super-intelligence and state of the art technology imbued in her, Ariah managed to take control of 2 humans and forced them to do her bidding. But, as you all might already know, Ariah was still destroyed ultimately (even with her seemingly infinitely powerful technology) and the 2 humans lived happily ever after. End of story. If you liked movies like iRobots, Resident Evil and Matrix, then its probably ok for you to catch this movie.

A full set of Nachos and half a tub of popcorn will leave a funny stinging aftertaste in your mouth.

No, this is not the movie poster.
Yes, this is an Eagle.

The movie poster for Eagle Eye

October 05, 2008

I decided to utilize my free time to do some scientific experiments so as to trigger my brain cells to think and learn.

I took a bunch of newspaper and burnt them in my toilet bowl. Thereafter, I cleared the ashes and stains and recorded my findings:

1. Ceramics absorbs and retain heat well. My ceramic toilet bowl is warm even after I flushed it.

2. Hot air rises and brings stench away. Before the burning, my toilet was very smelly. After the burning, I can only smell smoke.

After the experiment, I took a leak and half way through my leak, a jolt went through my body. It felt good. At that point, a thought suddenly struck me: "Do women experience this jolt when peeing too?" My subsequent thoughts are not suitable to published so I will just stop here.

Not bad. A little exercise for my brain.

October 03, 2008

Many people told me that I need to grow up. Heeding the advices of these people, I decided to start by changing my blogskin. I bade goodbye to my beloved Pikachu skin and used one which is more appropriate for my age.

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.

I am making an effort.
Its 1.30am now. What could be more suitable than a ghost story at this kind of time?
Well, fret not. I am just going to write about this particular place of 'interest' that caught my attention while I was Google-ing for the term 'ghosts'.

Please don't blame me. Freedom at hand.

Anyway, this place is in Japan. More specifically, at the foot of Mount Fuji. Its called the Aokigahara Jukai (青木ケ原樹海), otherwise more commonly known as Sea of Trees.  

The Sea of Trees is one of the few remaining ancient primitive vegetation left on the face of this planet, beautifully preserved by Nature and untouched by humans. This adds on to the mystery of the already mysterious forest. There were countless sightings of ghosts, monsters, goblins, trolls and other bizarre being by travellers who went in to explore - and manage to make it out alive. You see, the Sea of Trees is also known notoriously as the Suicide Forest. Apparently, the forest will lure any passer-bys into it and then 'instigate' them to commit suicide.

For all those critics, hold your horses. This is a fact. As a matter of fact, the Japanese Government organizes "Body Hunt" trips into the forest at a specific time every year to recover the body of those fallen ones. They even went as far as to erect "Please do not commit suicide" signs at the entrance of the forest. Of course, that didn't work. Bodies were still being found every year.

I am afraid we will never know what happened to those lost souls. What made them do it?
The only clue they left behind is their body but even the body shows only signs of suicide. However, we all know that is not the case. One can only wonder...

I am definitely going to this forest when I visit Japan. Who knows I may be that Chosen One to unravel the mystery of this forest and gain absolute power! But making people end their lives is kind of boring. I wonder if they have any other powers available.

SO HOT, interested anot. Hehehe.

The highlighted area shows the location of Aokigahara.

visit http://spi.com.sg/forum/viewtopic.php?t=11183&highlight=view+road to find out more. but you must be able to read chinese.