November 25, 2012

Forever can never be long enough for me
To feel like I've had long enough with you

So much love in this song. I like it. Waiting for the person to sing this to.

November 24, 2012


Looking back at my previous posts, I realized I have immersed myself in too much negativity. And as with everything in life, having too much of something can be bad for your health. Moderation is key!

Perhaps its time for some attitude adjustment and change in perspective. Speaking of which, I have been feeling better of late; less grumpiness like the old man that I am will become eventually, and more bounciness like the 24 year old that I was am.

Maybe it is because I will be graduating soon, in less than half a year's time. I can finally start working and earn some big money to buy all the things that I want to buy. For starters, I am gonna get the new Nintendo 3DS XL to play the new Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney game. And then there is the PS3 which I have been wanting to buy for like forever. And then this new mSATA SSD for my Alien. And that new Lumia 920 phone.

Talk about retail therapy. Ho ho ho.

But first, two more semesters to go. And a couple more papers to take, with 4 coming up in the next two weeks actually. Oh yes, and that final year project... meh.

A few of my friends have started looking for jobs. I wonder if I should start job hunting now too. But I prefer to just lie back and take things slowly (I am just lazy, really). What job should I apply for? What do I want to be?

I want to be... everything at once.

Why do I find myself dancing to the tune?