April 24, 2008


Just went running today - for the first time in SEX MONTHS! Ooops. Six I mean.

I stopped running ever since I started my office job in mid-November last year.
Everyday since then has been computer, lunch, computer, go home, play game and sleep~
Over and over.

Until the fateful announcement: YOUR IPPT IS ON THE 6th OF MAY!

Its $200 on the stake man and I am not about to let our rich government swallow that money. I am gonna POCKET IT and spend it on something.

But easier said than done. SEX months of that office cycle can really kill your fitness. Not to mention my recent crave for coca cola everyday!

But I am still not gonna let the $200 slip away!

Just you all wait and see!

April 16, 2008

The world is not a pretty place after all.

The foibles of politics and the march of time can turn friends into enemies just as easily as the wind changes.

How ridiculous. But its the fact. All of are us possess many different masks.
We will don different masks during different times. All just to gain favor.

I am so sick of this twisted politics.

Is it ok to trust the person who I think is trustworthy?

Perhaps Stonecold is right: DTA.

April 12, 2008

Recently I am getting more and more interested in how to identify authentic luxury goods.

After spending that huge amount of money on LVs and Buberries... I don't want to see any other Tom, Dick and Harry carrying a fake one and posing it off as the real thing.

Exclusivity MUST costs!

So I went to do some googling and yahooing here and there and found some relevant information.

All LV pieces after 2007 will have a new form of date code. The date code on my Damier Pocket Organizer which I bought in February this year was made (not manufactured, cause all LVs are handmade by the masons) in the 50th week of 2007. Which translates to sometime in mid-December last year.
