December 09, 2010


Yes, the People's Republic of China has succeeded in manipulating hyperspace. Although they only managed to teleport a single particle, I am damn sure they will not rest until they can teleport the entire Terracotta Army to the doorstep of Washington D.C.


And when that happens, Russian President Medvedev will be thinking how fortunate he was to have signed that treaty with China.


When that day comes, I hope some astronomical catastrophe - an unprecedented super massive coronal mass ejection, Jupiter crashing into Earth, a black hole floating past our atmosphere or the Sun deciding to go supernova - will happen to wipe out all life on Earth.

The day when China rules the world... is unthinkable.

Oh, in case you are wondering, I got this piece of information from WikiLeaks.

December 08, 2010

Admiral Kizaru of the Marines.

For some reason, I feel like cos-playing him. The thought came into my mind after I watched him in action in the One Piece anime where he goes around kicking people at the speed of light like nobody's business.

Here's a guy who did a pretty nice cos-play of Kizaru (but the suit looks kinda... tacky). I think its the shape of the mouth. I wonder if I can shape my mouth like that. Hmm...

Or, I could combine Pikachu and him together to cos-play two of my favorite characters at one go! (Notice the mouth shape again.)

December 01, 2010

Coming back home today to paradise - ahhhh.

This has always been what I wanted. After a long day outside, I just want to come home and enjoy the serenity of solitude, away from the hustle and bustle of the Lion city. Silence. Peace. Tranquility.

Chilling out with my smooth jazzy music. Sipping freshly made orange juice through a straw. Lying on the couch. Enjoying the cool air from the air-conditioner. What more could I ask for?

Usually, I would arrive at home to face my nephew and niece, which my mom is babysitting while my brother and his wife are away at work. A toddler and primary school kid isn't exactly the kind of relaxation I am looking forward to at the end of the day. I personally feel that if you really want to have children, make sure you have time for them. But never mind about that. I shan't spoil the lovely mood tonight.

And when the kids are not around, I will have to face my mom's and dad's endless barrage of well-intentioned questions: "Have you eaten?", "What did you do today?", "Can you help me read this letter?", this and that and yada yada. I am not saying they are irritating but sometimes, I just don't want to be talked to, bothered and just want to be left alone. Plus because I don't have my own room, I cannot 'escape' from them.

They are all now in Malaysia for a short vacation. My parents, my brother, his wife and the kids. And they won't be back till Saturday.

I am going to enjoy this rare period of nirvana!