June 29, 2008


What an exhilarating night I had! I had my virginity taken away BUT before any of you perverted beings out there get the wrong idea - I am NOT talking about sex here. Rather, I am referring to my first ride as a pavillion on my friend's bike. A REAL motorbike that can go really fast, not some slow moving Vespa scooter. I am addicted to SPEED! No, not the drug you idiots, I am talking about the division of distance by time here.

I was somewhat apprehensive initially, having to grab on to the back handle on the bike in a rather un-glam manner. After some tips from my friends (sitting also got techniques; chinese got one pattern, malay got one pattern, indians got another pattern. A melting pot?), I managed to sit in the correct and cool way, that is by placing my hands on my thigh and sitting normally. This not only improved my posture but also saved the face of my rider as people won't think that he is ferrying some noob shit, which he really is though.

Tonight came as quite a surprise too because somehow, we were able to chill for 3 hours. From 12pm to 3am. The pre-conceived notion of tonight's outing being dull and boring by one of my friends was dispelled when I turned out to be more chattable and approachable than he had thought.

All in all I had a great time. Haven't felt so relaxed and, might I have the audacity, GAY(-adjective= happy), in such a long time.

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