January 15, 2008

Some, or rather most, think that my NS life is very slack because I am
an OC. Thats what I thought in the first place too.

All I need to do is to just oversee my underlings and make sure they do their jobs. Occasionally, I just need to sign one or more leave forms, authorise them to draw arms and scold them for their wrongdoings. I would just have to sit in the office all day long and make sure all the paper work and administration stuff are done. No outfield, no patrolling and no physical training for me.

Piece of cake eh? Think again.

The days whereby "I am your god-damn OC and whatever I see you follow" is over. People knows how to argue back now and they know their constitutional rights. Subordinates no longer simply take in whatever their superiors tell them. They know how to refute and argue back.

But thats not so bad because after all, I still have my rank to subdue them. Even so, using my rank to subdue them only reflects on my incapabilities to handle them personally; I can't, in the capacity as their OC, subdue them. In other words, if I do not have my rank, I would become a lame duck. What's the point then?

The Chinese says 好事成双(good things come in pairs) but I say bad things come in pairs too.

I may be a senior officer on paper but in reality, nobody gives a hoot about me. Back at training side, the instructors were stressing how significant a role we play as senior officers and that we are a very important asset to the organisation.

Bullocks. Utter bullocks.

The trend now is that NS guys are merely just NS guys. Why care so much about them?
NS guys are expandable assets. My career as a regular officer is more important. If there is any shit, I will just throw them to the NS guys. They after all will be leaving after 2 years; a tainted record will not be as devastating to them as it will be to a regular officer.

What a twisted mentality people have nowadays.

They have to wake up their bloody idea and understand that NS guys are there to supplement the regular force. Without us the bloody organisation will just crumble.

Article 10, clause 2 of the Constitution of the Republic of Singapore states that "All forms of forced labour are prohibited, but Parliament may by law provide for compulsory service for national purposes."

National purpose. Yeah, to become stepping stones for others to fulfill their ambitons in the organisation is a glorious thing indeed.

But never mind. I am still surviving. What doesn't kills me makes me stronger. At least now I know about office politics and dirty tricks that people pull on one another.

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