May 31, 2008

What in tua pek gong's name is the Burmese Government doing? Forcing the Cyclone Nargis's refugees back to their devastated homeland without giving them any food supplies, tools and shelter! This is akin to forcing these poor civilians to death!

The government's reason for doing so is because they want the refugees to start reconstructing their destroyed homes and farmlands to help revive the country's economy.


Without proper shelter, clean water, supplies, tools and other aids to rebuild their homeland, how the heck does the government expect them to survive in the wild? The refugess have practically nothing to return to! Cant the Burmese top brass see that?

I bet they must be dumb and retarded to not realize the folly of their actions. NO! They are downright asinine! A bunch of demented pigs in power!

Tua pek gong please save the Burmese refugees!

Grrrr. This display of an obviously erroneous policy reflects on the incompetence of the Burmese government. What an utter utter mis-management of crisis and resources.

If they can't rule the country, let me do the job for them.

First thing I will do is to crown myself President for life with unlimited judicial, legislative and executive power. Then I will start picking my Cabinet members.

Hmm.... Its not such a bad idea hehehe. Right. Off to create and plan my empire now.

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