March 13, 2012

I went shopping with my bff the other night and she suggested that I should be more trendy instead of wearing the same old jeans and t-shirt combination all the time.

Trendy. I used to be that once. Not to the extent of being a fashionista but better than your average Singaporean. That was back when I had the money to spend rather extravagantly. How extravagant? 5 handphones within 2 months would be a good indication. Of course, my extravagance did not last long because soon enough, I ran out of money and blah blah blah...

It was not a proud part of my life but suffice it to say that I learnt the value of kachinks the hard way after that.

I would buy branded clothes and those that are deemed to be the 'in' thing to wear last time. I still have them now but fashion is an ephemeral thing; what is fashionable last time might warrant an arrest by the fashion police today.

With my dwindling wealth, I could no longer afford to follow the trend. I had to make do with what I have. Not that the clothes I have are ugly like shit or anything like that. Its just that I am the kind of person who dreads having to wear the same thing over and over for too many times.

Also, university started for me and I stayed in hall for the first year. That sort of reduce my concept of clothing to shorts and t-shirts. And slippers.

Even after I stopped staying in hall, the sheer burden of having to wear something different/new, but still economical for classes everyday forced me to look for a more convenient way of dressing up. Something that I can wear everyday.

Hence, the jeans and t-shirt combination. One pair of jeans and multiple t-shirts for different days. The national outfit of Singapore.

No wonder I have become un-trendy.

But money is not the only thing that affected my fashion sense. Age has made me more resistant to trying new stuff. It feels as if I am no longer as confident of looking food in new outfits as before, and not as interested in following the latest trends now. an obvious syndrome of old age where one's self-esteem starts to decline and tend to want to stick to the same thing.

But damn. I am only 23. Why do I feel that way?

Maybe I should consider that blue chinos...

Oh yeah, this is so totally my kind of clothes. Btw, this is not the blue chinos I was talking about. Its a... blue toga mankini.

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