August 28, 2006

breaking down..

Got back my physics mock results today and sadly, it is not very good.
Felt abit unwell during school. Was lethargic and can't concentrate during lessons. Head felt very heavy.
Went back home and slept for a few hours.
Felt better but still got this sicky feeling.
Seriously I can't afford to fall sick.
Prelim starts this Thursday.
Need to study for it.

Read about World War Two during my break in the library today.
Realised that Hitler has always wanted to visit Paris as a tourist.
His dream was fulfilled when he occupied France.
He went to visit the Eiffel Tower, Arch de Troimph, Napoleon's Tomb and many other places.
He was reported saying ''My dream has come true.''

I wanted to read Mein Kampf (pronounced Mine Camf) by Hitler but my friend told me that its a rather sucky book in the sense that all his arguments and ideas were baseless and extremely biased. Still, I want to read it to know what are his thoughts and his rational for starting World War 2.

As I am writing this I am also watching the Ultimate Comedian on TV. Its a show to scout for comdedian in Singapore. So far, I felt that all the candidates were obscenely lousy. Either their performance SUCKS and were not a single bit funny or they just copy ideas from other comedians in other country. And the worst part is they can't copy properly...
The show is pretty hopeless in my opinion.

''Having sworn featly must I serve my entire life in servitude?''

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