March 29, 2010

First it was Chrysler and now Volvo. What the heck are these CEOs thinking, selling their companies to China. As we all know, this mother piece of shit land is only good at one thing. Copying, copying and copying. Everyone knows that goods manufactured in that shit country are not reliable, cars included. The people there are just too stupid to engineer a decent automobile. No no no, they are a retarded race who cannot even create a proper handphones or MP3 players.

So what should they do to improve their competitiveness? Buying Stealing other people's ideas. So acquiring Volvo will supposedly give China a foothold in Europe's automobile industry. Right people. Watch out. Things are not so simple. Something has to be done to curb this dumbfuckland's growth before the whole world becomes infested by those pesky little mainland Chinese and degenerates 100 years back in time!

When the 80 year old Swedish marquee goes bust one day, I will be laughing and telling those dumbass management executives "Told ya' so."

Just wait and see.

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