March 11, 2010


Remember I came up with some scientific theories of my own some time back?

Another marvelous scientific discovery by my brilliant mind!

"The speed at which your shit is ejected out of your a-hole is directly proportional to the amount of stress exerted on your rectum." - Jin

Simply put, if you hold your shit for too long, pressure will build up inside you rectum and since the pressure outside your anus is atmospheric pressure, the vast difference in pressure will cause the rectum to eject your shit projectile out at mind-blowing speeds!!!

That is why when you hold your shit for too long, your urge to shit starts to increase and when you finally find a toilet bowl, you find that your shit will be ejected so violently that water from the toilet bowl will splash onto your cheeks. Butt cheeks. You can try to clamp your ass tight but it will be a foolish and futile attempt to contain your shit. The force generated by the difference in pressure is simply too huge for our human ass to control.

This phenomenon is all the more evident when you have watery shit. The high-speeds at which your liquid manure is ejected results in those melodious PU PU PU sounds. And because its watery, you tend to see your whole toilet bowl covered with your shit after you had a watery dump. That is attributed to Newton's Second Law which involves the high speed at which your shit particles hit your toilet bowl. Ha. Even Newton's Law confirms my theory.

There you have it! OMG I am so proud of myself. Someone should totally give me a Nobel Prize.

I shall call this new theory "Jin's Shitty Law".

Like all other laws of Physics, you cannot defy Jin's Shitty Law. So next time when you need to shit, do not hesitate and quickly find a toilet. It will be healthier for you and your rectum. You wouldn't want to have your rectum ruptured due to excess pressure build-up would you?

Next mystery to solve: Why do humans experience a moment of temporal bliss the moment they let out their shit which have been held back for a long time.

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