February 15, 2012


I am so full of it tonight. I find my temper getting increasingly shorter in recent times. I would get extremely irritated at some of the most minute annoyances in our daily lives. A case in point; people, women especially, who either can't walk straight, swerving to the left and right across the walkway as though they are training for next year's F1 Grand Prix. The way I see it, it is more probable that they are suffering from muscular dystrophy. Or they will simply hog up the entire walkway, taking their own sweet time to savor the fleeting but beautiful moment of their journey through the MRT station.

It really should be made legal for one to lop the head of a "slow-walker" off from behind. Or their arms. Or legs. Or just impale them. Fucking inconsiderate degenerates.

And what did I mention at the beginning of this post? I find myself getting angry simply by thinking of those foolish fools I have to face everyday on my commute.

If only I can become the Incredible Hulk, who gets his power from his anger. The angrier he is, the more powerful he gets. In a sense, his power would be infinitely large, simply because there is no limit as to how angry a person can get. A person can continue to get angrier, and angrier, and angrier and - you know what I am talking about. I am sure you guys had those moments where you feel you can do the worst possible thing the human mind can conceive to someone who you are so goddamn angry with. Then when your rage settles, and you think back, you will laugh it off as a joke and tell yourself that you never do those horrible things. It was just hollow thoughts generated by your brain at the height of your anger.


Why are our brains programmed with these horrible, horrible thoughts to begin with anyway? Also, assuming that anarchy becomes the mainstream political system in the world tomorrow and it becomes a right for everyone to kill anyone, would you still believe you can curb your actions when you are extremely angry?

Sometimes, I get so filled with rage that I wish I could inflict pain on the person closest to me to vent my anger. Could my sudden increase in rage level be an old-age disease? I wonder.

"Why should the world exist without me? That wouldn't be fair." - Kuja

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