December 10, 2006

Whoo. Just finished cleaning up the house. Yes. That was what I was ordered to do by my mother before she left the house at 8am in the morning to pak tor with my dad... Goodness gracious how old liao still pak tor ^^haha.

I cleared my computer desk, textbooks, notes, worksheets, and a cupboard in the kitchen, Threw away my Pokemon Trading Card game CD which used to be my prized possession in the past haha... Threw away quite alot of notes and worksheets and other useless stuff, like a dancing ornamental birthday cake~

Finally found out what is wrong with my spoeakers. I always thought that the flauctuating volumes are due to some loose wires at the back of the speaker but I accidentally discovered the true culprit today heh. Its the wire connecting the volume controller to the speaker that is loose. Guess I will need to tape it or something..

Off to take a shower...........

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