August 05, 2007

I've got so many things that I want to say but for some reason, I can't. I just can't. Its like my thoughts are all flushed around inside me and I can't set them down and articulate them out.
I am facing several dilemmas and internal problems recently and it vexes me to the core just to think about them.

But yet, I can't escape from them. How ironic.

In the past, I used to condemn people who imbibes concoction conceived from the fermentation of sugars derived from starch based material. Ironically, now, I take pleasure in ingesting that mixture which I so abhorred a long long time ago. Its psychotropic effects is simply overwhelming. However, I must ensure that it does not become habitual. I must.

So they say ".. the only certainty about the future is its uncertainty."

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