October 22, 2007

We spent the whole day today rehearsing for our passing out parade. It was so exhausting.

We kept doing the same thing over and over again; marching in, marching out, hormat senjata, durone senjata, slow march, fast march etc. Not forgetting to mention the countless minutes we have to stand still to simulate the reviewing officer's speech, waiting for the arrival of the guest of honor.

When there is really a reviewing officer up on the stage speaking, it didn't feel that long and unbearable because at the very least, the speech provide some form of distraction for us. When we just stood there, keeping darn still, pretending that there is an imaginary reviewing officer speaking to us, time seem to stand still along with us as well.

We also had to endure the constand shoutings and yellings from our instructors who would not hesitate to blast through the microphone at us if we were to make any unacceptable mistake (e.g moving while at sir dee ya position).

Guards of Honour...

Anyway, I started watching Jikoku Shoujo. It was somewhat occultish as I expected.

The anime is a series of short stories and each story describes the suffering of a different individual caused by one or more antagonists. A website know as "Hotline to Hell" may only be accessed at midnight by those who wishes to exact his vengeance upon his tormentors. Once someone submit the name of his tormentors on the website, the Jikoku Shoujo will appear before him. Upon the victim's (the one that submitted the name) consent, Jikoku Shoujo will send the tormentor to hell immediately.

But there is no free lunch in this world. In return, the victim will have to pay a heavy price. When the victim

Talk about revenge is a dish best served cold.

Counting down: 7 more days to passing out.

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