February 27, 2010

I went to watch the play by Hall 15 Production crew at Republic Polytechnic yesterday evening. It was a good play. The actors were good and they portrayed their characters goodly, for lack of a better word. My English proficiency seems to have spiraled deep deep into the abyss of nothingness.

I especially liked the father of the female protagonist. He was damn cute and comical. I think I am going to start imitating some of his actions and gestures. The mom of the male protagonist is, well... a pretty thing to look at. But of course, I am just admiring her good looks. Not like someone sitting beside me. The three main friends are my favorites too. Sometimes, I wish I have bitchy/supportive/funny/retarded friends like that. Right now, most of the people I know are r - WHAT? My phone? Just answer it for me~!

The play revolves around the difficulties which the female protagonist, who is a talented singer with the voice of the next American Idol, faced after she turned partially deaf. (No offence but is it true that deaf people cannot speak properly?)

What will you do if the person you love manifests himself in the image of someone you hate?

This was the dilemma faced by the male antagonist, who hated his deaf mother for bringing shame on him since young but ended up falling in love with the bearer of the voice of the next American Idol. He wasn't sure whether or not to pursue this forbidden love but with the help of his trusty besties and an unlikely twist of fate, he found his happy ending.

Why do people try so hard to fit in with the norm of society? She could have regained her sense of hearing easily by simply putting on a listening aid but the bearer of the voice of the next American Idol refuses to do so for fear of being labeled 'deaf' and 'weirdo' by her friends and society. Even so, she was still being ostracized by those who knows about her illness.

Everyone is unique. Just because society decides what is the norm doesn't make you abnormal. You are as normal as can be, the same with everybody. Stereotypes and perceived good/bad are some undesirable by-products of modern human society. The majority is not always right. The Devil's truth becomes written if the Angels die. We are soft, composed of roundish shapes, warm and living creatures, so what has encouraged us to try to become sharp, hard, plastic and cold beings? The lack of courage perhaps. Even I am guilty of that most of the time. Its kinda sad when we have to live our life according to the default settings dictated by society. But what to do? Righteousness is not something we can acquire over the night and in this 21st century, benefits > morality.

When was the last time you were yourself?

Now now, Hall 2's Baikachu seems rather promising. I might catch that too.

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