November 30, 2007

Knocked off work at around 9.30pm today. I went around and did scarlet teaming exercises with my DSO. We hit several establishments but fortunately, most of them made the mark.
I used two different type of stories to perform the exercises. Basically, I am suppose to create some distraction and then leave my belongings in the establishments and the people there must be vigilant enough to notice it and remind me to take my things with me.

Story #1: I have been receiving several scam calls from China. I am appalled by the frequency with which they call me and how they obtained my number in the first place. In fact, I received another one of these calls earlier and that prompted me to bring this matter to the police's attention.

-Then depending on the response I get, I will play along-

Story #2: Good evening officer. I am here to make an enquiry. I am not sure how I should put it but... Alright, I will be grank with you. Are gay marriages allowed in Singapore? If not, is there any thing I can do to get my marriage with my boyfriend recognized my Mr Lee's administration? Is there really no leeway at all?

- Depending on the hostility of the response, I will also play along! -

On the whole, the results were good!

Work late. Can demand for food money and longer vacation hehe.

Tomorrow is my SAT. I will have to be at STARHUB CENTRE by 7.45am.
Wish me luck!

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