October 05, 2008

I decided to utilize my free time to do some scientific experiments so as to trigger my brain cells to think and learn.

I took a bunch of newspaper and burnt them in my toilet bowl. Thereafter, I cleared the ashes and stains and recorded my findings:

1. Ceramics absorbs and retain heat well. My ceramic toilet bowl is warm even after I flushed it.

2. Hot air rises and brings stench away. Before the burning, my toilet was very smelly. After the burning, I can only smell smoke.

After the experiment, I took a leak and half way through my leak, a jolt went through my body. It felt good. At that point, a thought suddenly struck me: "Do women experience this jolt when peeing too?" My subsequent thoughts are not suitable to published so I will just stop here.

Not bad. A little exercise for my brain.

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