October 06, 2008

Steven Spielberg's blockbuster "War of the Worlds" epitomizes the philosophical conundrum of Are we alone out there?

It depicts the existance of highly-advanced intelligent alien beings which inhabitated another part of the universe way before we humans existed on Earth. Then, for some unknown reason, the aliens invaded us in 2005 and almost brought about our extinction. Luckily, it is just a movie. We are not an endangered species yet.

So, are we really alone out there? Could there really be some other sentient beings living across our galaxy, trying to figure out whether are they really alone as well? What if, say, these sentient beings do exist but are not so far away from us actually. They might be living amongst ourselves, on the same planet; but on a different plane parallel to ours. I am talking about the Demonic World.

Aiya. Screw it. Just go watch Devil May Cry. It is a good anime and is only 12 episodes long. I am running out of creative juice.

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