July 17, 2006

I have been pretty busy these past few days; reports, assignments etc etc.

A Ms Rosaly Lopes from NASA came down to my school last Wednesday and gave us a talk about Saturn's largest Moon - Titan(Duh~). She is part of the ongoing Cassini Project which aims to reveal what lies beneath the thick atmosphere of Titan. Yes, an atmosphere on a moon. This is what makes Titan interesting. Furthermore, based on the images they have obtained from the Cassini and Huygen spacecraft they sent there, they extrapolated that Titan's terrain might be similar to that of Earth, with rivers, mountains, plateaus and perhaps with ocean - but one filled with liquid methane instead. They think that methane would be the water for Titan and they suggest that there might be rain on Titan as well. However, the prospects of life on Titan is rather dim as the average temperature is around -200 degree celsius. Any lifeform on Titan would no doubt be cold-blooded.

I enjoyed the talk, partly because I am interested in our univerese and party because joining NASA is my dream! Yes, I would like to play a part in ushering mankind into the Space Age. And I am gonna work hard for it - more mugging XD

Went to swim over the weekend and discovered to my horror that I can only swim 20 laps compared to the usual 40. Thats the kind of thing one month of mugging and gaming can do to your stamina and fitness. Perhaps because it was really crowded that day, so much so that I accidentally hit somebody swimming past me and got a cut on my hand~ nothing serious though. I wonder how badly injured that person's face is lol

All right gotta go now, dad's downstairs waiting for me.

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