November 10, 2006

It's a rainy day today.

I love rainy days. The rain looks alluring to me. It always does.

I think my natural element should be water.

It's really a rainy day. Have been raining since this morning and it haven't stopped since.

What a cool and nice day.

It dampens my flaming efforts to start studying. As of now, I have yet to done anything constructive...



I discovered a new way to pass my time; punching tennis balls and watch them get launched across the room. And if you are wondering, I was inspired by Major Alex Louis Armstrong. Actually realized that its quite fun to punch things and watch it fly around. It allows me to vent some of my frustration as well.

However, one drawback is that it actually hurts if you punch the tennis ball hard enough. And if you don't punch it hard, you won't feel the shuang-ness.

Perhaps I should get a pair of gauntlets.

Next up: Start playing with the lighter(or start rubbing sandpapers).

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