December 21, 2008

"You have fulfilled our Divine Destiny of dominating the entire world. Well done. I hereby bestow upon you the honorable title of Supreme Shogun." 
                                                               - Emperor Yoshiro, Empire of the Rising Sun

OK. With that, I have completed all 3 campaigns in Red Alert 3. The Rising Sun's campaign has to be the most interesting one for me. All the units are very futuristic and most of them are robots - aptly representing the technological brilliance of Japan. Even their special commando unit is a teenage psychic school girl wearing typical Japanese school uniform...

... don't be fooled by her demure looks though. They are not kidding when describing her as "vengeful survivor of a psychic research programme". She is insanely powerful. I can literally take out an army of tanks and soldiers with her. Her name is Yuriko Omega.

There is also this Nanoswarm Hive superweapon which I can use to protect my troops when needed.

Pretty cool huh. There is also a superweapon to obliterate my enemies... the Psionic Decimator is pretty useful for taking out large portions of enemy bases. They are powered by none other than Yuriko Omegas. Note the plural form.

If you look carefully, there are 6 people lying inside the capsules of the Decimator. These are actually Yuriko Omegas in stasis mode... 1 Yuriko Omega is more than enough for any army to handle... 6 of them together powering a super weapon is... Armageddon!

Then there is this humongous 3-headed katana wielding piece of machine called the Shogun Executioner! This titanic robot was created for the sole purpose of annihilating the enemy. It is the most powerful unit in the whole game and is exclusively available for the Rising Sun only! One of this is enough to win any battle. Too bad it is only usable in Campaign mode.

Birth of the Executioner.

Look at the size of that thing. The red infantries are Soviet troops which got squashed like pancake.

One swing of the blade and down goes a building.

This is the Executioner's special ability. All 3 heads will drive their wave-force katanas into the ground at once, creating a wide electrical field which will fry anything within range into non-existence.

Maybe Japan actually has these futuristic weapons right now. The Japanese government is probably just storing them in their vaults and waiting for the right time to conquer the world once more. Ho ho ho... this might be one of their super weapons.

Be afraid. Be very afraid.

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