March 13, 2009


I am doing last minute homework again. Somehow, I seem to be procrastinating more and more in recent weeks... I need to stop that and start working hard. Mid term test is next week and I will be tested on everything I have learnt from Intermediate 1 to 3!

私はテストがごかくしたら 一生懸命勉強します!
If I want to pass my test, I must study very hard!

I am now supposed to write a short essay about a vacation which I had recently but I haven't been to any other country at all. Looks like I will have to make something up again. Hmmm, I wouldn't mind visiting the Vatican City after reading so much about it in Angels and Demons. Alright then, lets assume that I went for a pilgrimage last week!

Let's see, Vatican City in Japanese is..... ヴァチカン市国.

先週に僕はヴァチカン市国へ神をいのりにいきます。しかし イタリアへいったとき 便秘しました。。。
Last week, I went to Vatican City to pray. However, after I arrived in Italy, I began to feel constipated...

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