March 05, 2009

Ho ho ho. its that time of the night again. RAINY NIGHTS! I am so revitalized by the cooling atmosphere and the plitter platter sound of the rain drops. Wooo~

Hai, tomorrow will be day 1 of my reservist. Retarded shit. How can they recall me back so fast? I doubt 6 months have passed already. I guess the gahmen is getting worst and worst. Everything is coming apart at the seams. Next, the whole system might topple and I will have to install a new, Pro-Russian administration! Bah, if only that will happen.

Whatever it is... i will have to lan lan suck thumb and go back. Zomg.. it dreads me to have to go back to a place where i never want to see again! Especially some retarded people down there. Tsk.

But at least I can look forward to our 3 months of togetherness after that!

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