March 23, 2009

The first day of work at a new workplace turns out to be more physical than i expected. When I entered my office in the morning, I realized somebody, alot of people actually, have dumped their cartons upon cartons of belongings into it. It looks more like a warehouse actually if it wasn't for the fact that I was told last week that it was my office... How can people be so inconsiderate. Just because it is a temp staff's office doesn't mean they can use it as a storeroom! Total disregard for my existence. Then again, nobody gives a shit about us.

My office-turned-warehouse was really in a mess. Cartons were stacked all over and we have to squeeze into our seats. Oh, did I mention that the office is actually shared by 3 people, including myself? Picture this; an office about 3m by 2m packed with 3 humans, 3 desktops and 15 or so cartons of junk. Thank goodness i do not have claustrophobia.

So I started my day's work amidst a sea of... things. Half way through, the Super Big Boss came into my office with the Business Head (both are big shots lah) and the former was telling the latter that my office is so unsightly it resembles a garang guni shack... And he wants the respective supervisors to remove their stuff from my office. I should have known that Super Big Boss was referring to us temp staff when he said "respective supervisors"... WTH lah!

Me and my colleague lz then spent the afternoon clearing stuff from the office by shifting them to another empty room. Half way through, lz... met some problems and I had to carry on alone. It was not until 4pm plus that our office-cum-warehouse became an office. At around 5.30pm we had a "housewarming" party where all the uber big shots came down to celebrate the relocation of our department to the new place. There were donuts and tarts and tea and coffee. I ate 3 donuts and drank a cup of tea. Hey, I deserved it.

My workstation.

The view from my office...

... and add in my pair of legs. Hehe.

My latest addiction. STARBUCKS FRAPPUCINO!!! Quite expensive though.

A few moments ago, I was struck by this very uneasy feeling... it just came suddenly. I dunno what caused it but it just feels as if something bad is going to happen. A very bad feeling tugging at my heart. The feeling is gone now but... I wonder what it meant.

Hopefully its not something bad.

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