September 07, 2006

My night

Very slack today. Only revised three topics; Matrices, Eigenvectors and Eigenvalues and Vector Spaces.

Tonight is my night. I am very happy. One can even say I am extremely elated because I can finally play a classic(very classic... old that is) game, Uncharted Waters 2: New Horizons on my PC!!! I used to be able to play it but thats when I am using Windows 98. Three years ago, when I switched to XP, I can't play the game. But tonight, I went to surf the net to solve the problem and after downloading a certain programme from the net, the game can finally run smoothly on Windows XP. Yipppeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!

I also found out a hidden secret about Alphonsus. Mwahahahahahah~~~

Going off to revise abit more before sleeping...

"The sea is a fickle lady."

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