September 21, 2006

While waiting for the ship to land at Orbis, I decided to blog.

Hwahhhhhhh. Its finally over. Two grueling weeks.. no three in fact, the one week holiday is not a holiday in my opinion. After three weeks of mugging, I can finally take a breather. *Breathes in* *Breathes out*

Awwww, the air tastes as great as ever. However, I do realized that the cessation of my preliminary examinations only means the inception of my 'A' levels examinations. Good grief. When will this Vicious Cycle ever end? One after the other, our beloved Ministry of Education [PAP rocks!] threw these examinations at us....

Oh well, at least I get to slack abit for the time being and I think thats the most important thing.

*Ship landed at Orbis. Proceeding to book a ticket to Ludibrium now.*

Wooo, super lucky. The ship to Ludibrium arrived immediately when I reached the station.

Anyways, yeah, the most important thing that matters is that I get some rest for the time being.

Ted came over yesterday and helped my fixed my Maple Story configuration. Thanks to his wondrous skills and inexhaustive knowledge about Maple, I can finally continue Mapling. I get to slack abit. I get to Maple. What could be a better combination at this kind of time hehe.
We played abit of PS2 after that. Wanted to play Dynasty Warriors but too bad, my second controller can't work in the game.

Since we can't play Dynasty Warriors, I decided to have a Bra and Panties Match with Ted - on the PS2 that is haha.. what were you thinking? Played abit of Gran Turismo as well which I totally sucked at.

When Ted went home, I kind of sympatize with him because he has to spend close to 1hr in order to get home. But on second thought, since he is Ted, I guess it doesn't really matter.

I feel so rigid. Havent done any exercise for the past three weeks. Will be going swimming later on in the day.

*Ship just departed from Orbis, heading towards Ludibrium.*

*Finally arrived at Ludibrium.*

Off to Maple...

"He can walk. He can sing. He's even going to play tennis." - Venezuelean President Hugo Chavez commenting on Fidel Castro, after the Cuban leader underwent an intestinal surgery.

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